Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's Beginning to Look A lot Like Christmas

Some of the white stuff fell last night- okay-a lot of the white stuff fell last night.

Our neighborhood here in Oliver Woods looks like a Christmas Card. The trees have a blanket of white snow resting on their branches, and the Christmas lights are all twinkling. While Tim was at the radio station yesterday and today Timmy and I watched the Polar Express and my all time favorite movie -Prancer! We had hot cocoa with little marshmellows and we laughed until we cried watching Victor tunnel through the snow. That crazy dog loves the snow!
On the other side of the coin is my better half who reminds me that SNOW IS a 4 letter word. He often remarks that the white stuff is cold, and icy and nasty. I don't think I will ever get him to admit how much fun he has playing with the snow blower, or even snuggling on the sofa. He keeps telling me that 1/2 of the fifty states are NOT as cold as here!
I must admit to actually liking the snow! I love the chill on my breath, and laughter of children as they build snowforts and snowmen, and being able to snuggle up in a warm blankey and watch old movies. Even the deer runing through the nighborhood seem to be in their element, and since my plants lay under a cool white blanket I can even allow myself to enjoy the deer.
Just 9 more days until Santa comes- This year it looks like their should be plenty of snow to land the sleigh on..

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Tell Tim we don't have any snow. If he comes, though, he has to live through a summer, too. He might find he much prefers the white stuff.

Oliver Woods. Forever beautiful. Thanks for that shot.

Love and miss you guys.