Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Lazy Days of Summer

These are the days we wish would last forever.

Hot days spent around the sparkling blue pool water, green grass filled with Timmy's soccer balls, baseball bats, and a garden that actually has decided to share a bit of its beauty with us. The new pond has provided a home for a frog who arrived about a week ago, and a spot for the chick-a-Dee's, cardinals, robins, and blue jays to bath in. The towering pines provide just the right amount of shade so even when the temperatures hit 90 degrees like they did yesterday, it feels comfortable here. Just when you think life can't get any better the newspaper arrives with the dreaded "Back-to-School" Sales and remind me that these days are short and should be savored.

Timmy enjoyed a class last week at Ada Park called Back Yard Bugs, and I managed to get through another birthday without getting too depressed about my expanding waist line and demising years. Growing older is not for sissy's but it beats the alternative!

Meanwhile the boys are having fun replacing deck boards, building a new arbor for the front garden, and replacing wood on the third stall. I've begun singing..." construction junction what's the function????? "Father and son building together- what a cool sight. Please pass the drill-hehehehe
That's all for now from our little corner of Cascade.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

John Ball Park Zoo

You can't go to the zoo without sitting on John Balls lap The zoo is located right downtown in the city of Grand Rapids. Here are a few of the things we saw. Summer is such a time of Adventure!

Bears and stingrays and goats to see.

Flimingos and the new baby camel.
Click below to see the zoos website

Monday, July 16, 2007

Take Me out to The Ball Game

Our departing neighbors gifted us with Whitecap tickets. Now most of you have heard me over the years compare watching a baseball game to watching paint dry, so I am sure you are surprised to find out that I actually went to the game. Tim was busy doing his D.J. thing so Cinda and I packed up Samie and Timmy and battled the construction traffic on I-196 to make our way to 5th 3rd ballpark...a.k.a. fraction field. A mother and kidlet playdate.

I have to admit I was perhaps mistaken about America's Favorite past time. The atmosphere of hot dogs, snow cones, people dressed up in caps and wearing baseball gloves was a bit like something out of the movies. Cynda explained the "Stats" on each player and Timmy was hooked-give that child numbers and probablity and his attention is captured. I on the other hand enjoyed all the foul balls that popped into the stands, listened to the banter of the young couples behind us, and saw a team actually win a game-live and in person. Don't even get me started on their bumble bee uniforms (I was told costumes was not the correct term), the paper napkin give away and all the audience participation games. It was... in the words of my 9 year old- "actually quite fun". Especially since the following day I painted the gate and had to wait for the paint to dry, before I could give it a second coat. Baseball beats doing that, hands down.

We routed for our home team and they won. 3 Home runs in one inning! In case you want to keep up with our Whitecaps here is their link:

See ya at the Ball Park:)

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I Love a Parade

Cascade 4th of July Parade

What do you get when you put together red, white and blue crepe paper, bicycles, kids, and 231 years of "The American Way?" A parade of course. KayLee and Timmy rode their bikes in the Cascade 4th of July Celebration. The bikes b b b b lead off the parade and then the children return to their parents to scramble for candy as the floats, horses, classic cars, and every local business passes by.

Timmy's favorite has to be the candy grab. Happily his sister KayLee stands by his side to pull him back out from under the tires of the passing vehicles .After the parade we all went up to the Township offices where the carnival rides are all free. We get to experience the true joys of parenthood-standing in long lines on a hot day so your child can jump in the air bag room, whirl and twirl, jump and throw. Does it get any better than this?????

We're Cool for the Pool!

Of course it does- a cook out with Tim's family, cousins to swim with and of course , fireworks at night. Tim's true calling- lighting things that go boom, shower watchers with bits of paper and smell of sulfur.A delight for all five senses.

Sparklers-You can never be too old for Sparklers !