Saturday, May 25, 2013

The State of Education


She says it well for so many teachers! This year  the district I work for is losing some of our very best educators. Those intelligent dedicate people who have fought for their students. I am blessed-yes -blessed to be teaching in a program with a wonderful administrator. She is fair, gives timely guidelines and is supportive.  She is no cupcake and  has gotten rid of truly ineffective teachers. Unfortunately she is rare in the profession.

The state has passed so many laws to "reform" education the district has had to hire an attorney to figure our how to deal with so many of the conflicting requirements.  To put in in a nut shell- their will be no more raises, no matter who you teach or how long you teach it doesn't matter, test scores are the only tool to determine teacher effectiveness (since all children are identical and all come for loving supportive families-NOT).

The amount now required for insurance and retirement  created a 15% pay cut. The school day is longer, the amount of after school required hours has doubled, professional development hours have increased. You must also advocate for your district, clear any communication through the district office, and above all get the kids to pass the tests-and when and if you do- hold on- they will make the tests even harder.

What is most troubling-is the fact that the state has taken away local control. Now that they have done their worst to teachers-who will be next?