Friday, May 23, 2008

Memorial Day

This weekend we take time to remember those that have gone before us. On my mothers side the Maycrofts, Mannings and Dunnings. On my Fathers side the Haley's and the Hallorans. They came to this country, settled here and yet longed for England and Ireland. It is fitting to remember that my family is descended from Kent, England and County Clare Ireland. We are the 4th generation here in this new land...

t is my fondest dream to someday walk on the soil of my great great grandparents and vist England and Ireland. My Grandmother talked about how her grandfather would long for the green of Ireland, and my Grandfather said he felt the most at home when he was near the water. So even though they came here, stayed, and raised a family part of them remained in the old country. They brought with them expression like "going on holiday" instead of saying we're going on vacation. I think they also taught us the old world values we still work so hard to pass on to our children and students.

Etta Mary Maycroft Manning & John Thomas Manning

and Fredrick Thomas Manning
George Henry Dunnong and son's. Our line came from Will's Dunning My great Grandpa. George Henry Dunning was a Captain in the Civil War.

So this memoriable day I remember these relatives that came before me that I never knew-but who shaped my life.

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