Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Enough Winter already!!!

Feb 3rd Blizzard

You know we're tired of winter when...

...you announce it's a snow day and your child say's again?

...counting cars on the way to work means how many are actually left on the road and not in the ditch!

...driving to work is like navigating through a mine field of giant pot holes.

...you can't remember what the neighbors look like because it's been so long since you've seen them.


Lisa said...

This, too, shall pass. It always does. If you didn't persevere through this season, you would never have the expectation and joy of your garden. Think of your garden. It's the most beautiful part of the year...and it will bloom sooner than you think.

Love and miss you guys.

ecjaxjag said...

Hey Cuz: Remember with CALIF was the abbreviation for California..NO, not really.. it means Come and Live in Florida !!
Sun shining, 50 + degrees.. 20 mhp winds.. Azaleas and Dogwoods in Bloom. Plenty of room for company.. "Come on down". Miss u..Love e