Monday, August 27, 2007

A Trip to Summerville

Did you know that it takes 12 lbs. of milk to make just one gallon of ice cream. I can't help but wonder how they fit it all in one carton? The good old U.S. A. enjoys an average of 48 pints of ice cream per person, per year, more than any other country. Maybe we should make ice cream the fifth food group!

Around here a trip to Sundae's at the Cottage or even the musical sounds of an ice cream truck can send one very contemplative 9 year old into an state of pure delight. Timmy loves Ice Cream! First he closely examines all the choices voicing the pros's and con's of each as the people who wait in line behind us suppress a couple of snickers. Next the choice is made and delivered to the individual behind the magic sliding window. At this point the anticipation of the creamy, smooth sweet delight is almost too hard to bare as he awaits the delivery of his chosen treat. His eyes seem to dance and his feet cannot be still as his body seems to be in a constant state of motion ,all the while he remains rooted in one place.
At last the window slides back and he is able to wrap his little hands around something totally lacking in any nutritional value, yet wonderful beyond words. The first bite is taken quickly , even before the rest of us order our own treats. After that ,to watch him you would know he savors every spoonful. To savor ice cream on a hot day .....and to be 9 years old. Can life get any better?


Anonymous said...

Hello Neighbors,
A shot of the "Cottage" makes me a little "home" sick. Sure could use a couple gallons of the good stuff here in AZ!!!!!! Hope you are all doing well. We miss you.

Gary & fam

Lisa said...

I second that!! I'm feeling nostalgic at the moment. Oh, heck, I feel nostalgic all the time. The hot fudge sundae from Sundaes at the Cottage only makes things worse...and my mouth water!! Miss you guys a lot!
