I am guessing even ,my girlfriend Lisa in Arizonia could hear the joyous cries of children all over the midwest singing the "Snow Day" song! With 2-4 inches of snow falling every hour and a wind blowing all that powder about-the collective school systems called 'UNCLE!
I am sitting her at 9:30 a.m. in my P.J's looking out the window at the swirling snow and feeling a bit like I am living inside one of
those Christmas snow globes. The scene is pretty but we are trapped here.- just like that village inside the glass dome. My car died 2 days ago on the expressway. It is currently sitting up at Cascade Automotic where it will likely cost more money than it is worth to fix the transmission. However since I am on Christmas Break-oops-now called Winter Break-I have no need to drive. So we will as usual find a way-somehow, someway to get it fixed . Meanwhile, I am setting the worries aside and going to make some warm cocoa, and will enjoy the winter scene from inside the toasty warm house.

Remember those days? Laying in bed, in the dark, with the radio on and listening (praying) for your school to be on the list? Kids here just don't get it. They have yet to cancel school because it's too sunny!!!! Blah!
Sorry to hear about the car. On the expressway? Glad you were able to safely manage that, but sorry to hear it's transmission and not just a flat tire. Flat tires are so much simpler. Wish I were there to help. Even if just to listen to you vent!
Love and miss you.
i had a felling you heard us singing. Snow days are the best. Like this miracles!
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