This was the year we frankly took it in the rear
Our inflatable Santa seems to have summed it up best. Sometimes the snow piles up so high you just have to bend over and take it.
So here's to the Good the Bad and the Ugly. And for those who believe money doesn't solve all problems I am here to tell you that having a bit more of it would have helped.
First the Ugly- No job for Tim for most of 2008, No unemployment, Gas prices causing us to spend 65 per week just so I coud drive to work.
The Bad-Everything broke
1. The Furnance-during one of the coldest weeks.
2. Airconditioner-During the hottest month
3, The oven -had to use the grill for cooking which was fine until the snow fell in November
4. Tim's truck- repairs just under 2,000
5. Kelley's car- transmission 18000. It also needs sway bars, anxels and manifold which will be another 800 when I manage to save that up again.
6. 401 k-tanked we will be working forever
7. Third year no raise from GRPS at the same time the Superintendant got a 8% raise.
8. Insurance is a PPO-need to get approval for everything Regular insurance costs 300 a month
9. Superintendnat wants to take our Blue Cross Blue Shield away and replace in with Prioity health which will not cover Timmy's medication.
10. We can finally afford to take Timmy to the Dentist and someone steals his Intendo DS while he is getting a filing.
11. The pool heater blow up-smoke flames
12. Insurance company devalues the heater to the point we have to threaten to pull all of our policies.
13. We scrap up money for shoes for Timmy- and they are missing in action after 6 weeks
14. Kaylee's boyfriend gets in an accident when he is driving her over to pick up the used car she saved for 2 years to buy
15. The dreaded brown recluse spider bites me and starts a 6 week long bout of illness-bite-shingles-flu
16. Tree falls on top of the garage.
17. Timmy's friend moves away, many of our "friends" fade away. I think some feel unemployment is catchy!
18. Small kitchen fire because I forget pan on the stove.
19. GVSU raises tution 13%-Kaylee's college fund will no longer cover her costs so we have to take out loans
20. I twist my ankle taking of picture of the fallen try to give to the insurance company.
The Good
1. We are still here and still have the house.
2. Tim got a job in November so we can give every cent he makes over to car repairs.
2. I got 14 articles published on Technology in the UK
3. MACUL journal wrote a Spotlight Article on me-good for the resume
4. I got a tea kettle for Christmas so I can stop burning up pans when heating water- no more kitchen fires.
5.We have a new oven-bought with Tim's first paycheck before all the cars died.
6. KayLee got herself engaged
7. Manning family Christmas was a huge success
8. We charged a Wii for Timmy- 3 years with dollar store Christmas presents- he deserves it.
9. Actually able to think about buying some clothing for the kids, that is not from the thirft store.
10. When we need milk we can actually go to the store and get it and not think about how many days before I get paid.
11. Professor from Calvin hears good things about my class and comes to school to spend a day with us. "My kids rule!"
12. St, Mark takes us in and Timmy is able to attend school for 100 dollars a month until Tim gets a job! Timmy now considers himself half Catholic and half Lutheran
13. We manage to buy hats and mittens for some of the kids at Congress School
14. Learned a Turkey can last 5 days
15. Won a grant to buy GPS units for school.
16. Tree falling means we don't have to cut it down.
17. Jamie has a real job and is happy in Californa
18. KayLee is moving on Campus at GVSU
19. George Bush's days are numbered. Are better days ahead???
20. Tim is a popular DJ at WYCU
Hopes, Dreams and Wishes
1. Good health for Family and Friends
2.Somehow/someway be able to have something called a vacation.
3. Continued employment for both Tim and I.
4. That the GRPS school board will allow us to have decent insurnace
5.That my car makes it until spring and that I can save up enough money to make a down payment on a new one.
6, That the letter form 2009 will be all about good things.
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