I hear so often at this time of year people dreading the get-togethers with their extended families. This always gives me pause...because there is nothing that gives me greater pleasure. I simply adore my family.
I can't imagine what kind of person I would have been without each and every one of them. My Aunt Eddie's house was the place where you were allowed to go wild-in fact she would be right there having fun along side you. My Aunt Virgina taught me that there was a time and place for everything. She had the best manners. My Uncle Dick taught me to not take life so seriously, my Uncle Freddy and Aunt Geri were a constant support system for Everyone in the family. When times were tough at home when my dad was divorcing my mom I lived with my Aunt Jean and Uncle Dick. My Uncle Bob was the fun loving uncle I still adore. He has the best kind of common sense and the heart of a giant teddy bear. My Aunt Klio is responsible for teaching me to sew and even encourages me to cook. When I was little I slept at the foot of her bed. I was welcomed and loved. With my mother's health so bad I spent lots of time growing up at my different Aunts and Uncle's houses. As an adult I realize what a pain it must have been having me there-yet I never once felt out of place or unwanted.
My cousins and I have so many great stories of things we did together growing up. My house is full of little things that are from each one of them. We are just 3 generations away from our family who immigrated from England and Ireland. From Great Grandparents who were farmers to college educated cousins. We are all far from wealthy in terms of money. But there is a richness to the family. You can feel the genuine love in the hugs of welcome. These are the people that you can share a bell laugh with. These are the people who have seen you at your best and worse-and still they love you. Unconditionally-because that's what families are all about.
We have had our disagreements-fights-but always-always for the holidays all of it was put aside. One of the aunts or uncles would simply state-get over it-they are your family! As the years past and the family grows it does become more and more difficult to find a time and a place where we can all get together. We rarely get everyone any more-but we always get most.
The special thrill for me this year was to see all the new babies. Cassie and Justin had little Kileigh, Tara and Luke with Autumn now 7 months old, and Aaron and Cheryl with 2 month old Sophie. Little Jean and Justin have Riley and Blake, Jonathon has Alec, and Aaron is up to 4 including the new baby. Amanda's Austin is already 5 and starting school.
My family is a blessing. Today I am tired but my heart is full. To be in the presence and surrounding by a large loving family is indeed the very best of what Christmas stands for!
sorry I missed it Mom
Me too Maybe next time! I am hoping to got o Cally for Spring Break
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