Most of you who know me understand that I simply adore all things Christmas.
It is of course the story of a fufilled promise. It teaches all the values I try to teach and live by. The patience of Mary during those long month's of carrying a child-not just any child-but THE CHILD. Joseph's acceptance of the burden life handed him and accepting it, with grace and gratitude. Then of course there is the simple stable that reminds us that it is not the place, or the things that matter-it is the people-the gift of life. Jospeh displayed prudence in the decesions he made to safe guard the new family. One can only imagine the fortitude displayed while traveling such a long distance so that the census could be taken. Even back then the government was entwined with religion.
In the end of course, it was the virtues of Faith in a higher power, Hope that the Christ child could bring goodness to the world, and the selfless, unconditional, and voluntary loving-kindness of our Lord to give us HIS Son as our teacher.
It is during this season, the circle of evergreens reminds me of His endless love. The Lights shining in the darkness remind me that someday I too will follow a bright light at the end of my days. Santa himself teaches us it is best to give without taking credit. It is indeed in giving that we recieve. Perhaps that means hauling the neighbors trash bin back up to their house, or sending a thank you note to someone who in your past helped or inspired you.
Christmas to me reprsents that fact that God loves and believes in us. That women was honored to give life to the King of Kings is an unquestioning representation of how valued women are to our savior. There is to me a quiet magic and mystery to the season. When it is so cold and barren, one needs to look inside and beyond the veil to see our Lord at work. During Spring God's handiwork is clearly evident. In summer His Love glows. In Fall the rainbow of leaves paints the season with the colors of change. But winter-those days short of daylight and full of cold and wind and storms. How do we see the Lord at this time of year?
We see him in the rosey cheeks of a child, in the loving arms of a mother as she cuddles the him from the cold , and to the mystery and believe that there is indeed something much more beyond this earthly place. This season I share two Christmas video's that to me show the simple love and belief a child has this season. Get a tissue because these may make you shed a tear or two. They did me.
And THAT, my dear friend, is Christmas! Merry Christmas many times over to you and the rest of the gang.
Love and miss you.
I do so love it all!All things bright and beautiful and believedin-and wrapped up in a twilight glow-you just gotta love it.
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