The year that seemed like it would never end finally did. Anyone who watched the stock market or presidential polls might agree 2008 was a year of highs and lows. Politics and pocket books dominated both News and conversations, but rhe wild weather closing out the year seemed to sum up 2008. Volatile and Unpredictable.Let's all pray for a return to common sense, try to find a place in the middle for all of us Moderates where we can govern, fix unequal trade, and bring some manufacturing jobs back home to the USA. Maybe even make some toys our kids can play with.
Goodbye to :
1.Suspected terrorists and foreign fighters held by the U.S. military at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, not having the right to a trial. While it may be popular to hate lawyers-it was just wrong to deprive anyone of legal representation.
2. Issuing Bailout money to Wall street and Banks- people who do not build anything or make anything TARP 700 million. Then bitching about a 36 billion bridge loan to AMERICAN car companies that actually do build things.
3. The term Liberal or Moderate being considered a swear word. Saying You are "Fair and Balanced" when you are so right winged even Pat Buchann has to correct you.
4. Lead based toys imported from China, that made OUR children sick and that polluted the air quality to the point the Olympic athletes couldn't breath when they were in China. HELLO how did yo think they everything so cheapno air quality standards, no fair labor practices!
5. To $4.50 a gallon gas, and windfall profits for the oil companies. They did not reinvest in the infruccture as their ads saidm and instead saw pipline blow outs in 2008.
6. The Dow Jones Yo-yo- Our 401k tanked! Is a Roth IRA better-less interest less risk?
7. Record foreclosures and homes no one can sell. With gas and food so highmany folks could no longer afford their homes.
8. NO Child Left Behind -AKA a paperwork nightmare of legistation that forced many schools to dummy down instruction in order to meet AYP. Way to much testing and not enough teaching. Keepong kifs in High School without demanding they actually attend class.
And Goodbye to some really cool people too
Paul Newman, Tim Russert, George Carlin, Isaac Hayes adn Estelle Getty
Phrases I wish we could say goodbye to
For the uninitiated, if something is "vanilla", it is boring; "jamming" means hanging around; while to "tear" is to leave quickly, or run away.
"dude" refers to either male or females, "Like... as a sentence starter". "NSFP not safe for parents", "IRL in real life", virtual everything, "hooking up", "my bad", and Dust out: Leave, depart
Hello 2009

I want to cook more and eat less; Listen more and talk less; Guide more and order less; and find some time to do things like wear make-up and get my hair done.
So here's to finding the balance between my Job as a Awesome Tech Teacher, wife of a Traveling Auditor, mother who is missing her college age daughter at the dorms, her oldest in Chocolatefornia and parent to 11 year old Timmer at home, who has ADD.
I am a full time Mother, full time Wife, and full time Teacher.. These are not simply the things I do they are WHAT I AM. This is my life, my journey and my ponderings....enjoy.