Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hello 2009



The year that seemed like it would never end finally did. Anyone who watched the stock market or presidential polls might agree 2008 was a year of highs and lows. Politics and pocket books dominated both News and conversations, but rhe wild weather closing out the year seemed to sum up 2008. Volatile and Unpredictable.

Let's all pray for a return to common sense, try to find a place in the middle for all of us Moderates where we can govern, fix unequal trade, and bring some manufacturing jobs back home to the USA. Maybe even make some toys our kids can play with.

Goodbye to :
1.Suspected terrorists and foreign fighters held by the U.S. military at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, not having the right to a trial. While it may be popular to hate lawyers-it was just wrong to deprive anyone of legal representation.

2. Issuing Bailout money to Wall street and Banks- people who do not build anything or make anything TARP 700 million. Then bitching about a 36 billion bridge loan to AMERICAN car companies that actually do build things.

3. The term Liberal or Moderate being considered a swear word. Saying You are "Fair and Balanced" when you are so right winged even Pat Buchann has to correct you.

4. Lead based toys imported from China, that made OUR children sick and that polluted the air quality to the point the Olympic athletes couldn't breath when they were in China. HELLO how did yo think they everything so cheapno air quality standards, no fair labor practices!

5. To $4.50 a gallon gas, and windfall profits for the oil companies. They did not reinvest in the infruccture as their ads saidm and instead saw pipline blow outs in 2008.

6. The Dow Jones Yo-yo- Our 401k tanked! Is a Roth IRA better-less interest less risk?

7. Record foreclosures and homes no one can sell. With gas and food so highmany folks could no longer afford their homes.

8. NO Child Left Behind -AKA a paperwork nightmare of legistation that forced many schools to dummy down instruction in order to meet AYP. Way to much testing and not enough teaching. Keepong kifs in High School without demanding they actually attend class.

And Goodbye to some really cool people too

Paul Newman, Tim Russert, George Carlin, Isaac Hayes adn Estelle Getty

Phrases I wish we could say goodbye to
For the uninitiated, if something is "vanilla", it is boring; "jamming" means hanging around; while to "tear" is to leave quickly, or run away.
"dude" refers to either male or females, "Like... as a sentence starter". "NSFP not safe for parents", "IRL in real life", virtual everything, "hooking up", "my bad", and Dust out: Leave, depart

Hello 2009

I want to cook more and eat less; Listen more and talk less; Guide more and order less; and find some time to do things like wear make-up and get my hair done.

So here's to finding the balance between my Job as a Awesome Tech Teacher, wife of a Traveling Auditor, mother who is missing her college age daughter at the dorms, her oldest in Chocolatefornia and parent to 11 year old Timmer at home, who has ADD.

I am a full time Mother, full time Wife, and full time Teacher.. These are not simply the things I do they are WHAT I AM. This is my life, my journey and my ponderings....enjoy.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Reflections on 2008

This was the year we frankly took it in the rear

Our inflatable Santa seems to have summed it up best. Sometimes the snow piles up so high you just have to bend over and take it.
So here's to the Good the Bad and the Ugly. And for those who believe money doesn't solve all problems I am here to tell you that having a bit more of it would have helped.
First the Ugly- No job for Tim for most of 2008, No unemployment, Gas prices causing us to spend 65 per week just so I coud drive to work.
The Bad-Everything broke
1. The Furnance-during one of the coldest weeks.
2. Airconditioner-During the hottest month
3, The oven -had to use the grill for cooking which was fine until the snow fell in November
4. Tim's truck- repairs just under 2,000
5. Kelley's car- transmission 18000. It also needs sway bars, anxels and manifold which will be another 800 when I manage to save that up again.
6. 401 k-tanked we will be working forever
7. Third year no raise from GRPS at the same time the Superintendant got a 8% raise.
8. Insurance is a PPO-need to get approval for everything Regular insurance costs 300 a month
9. Superintendnat wants to take our Blue Cross Blue Shield away and replace in with Prioity health which will not cover Timmy's medication.
10. We can finally afford to take Timmy to the Dentist and someone steals his Intendo DS while he is getting a filing.
11. The pool heater blow up-smoke flames
12. Insurance company devalues the heater to the point we have to threaten to pull all of our policies.
13. We scrap up money for shoes for Timmy- and they are missing in action after 6 weeks
14. Kaylee's boyfriend gets in an accident when he is driving her over to pick up the used car she saved for 2 years to buy
15. The dreaded brown recluse spider bites me and starts a 6 week long bout of illness-bite-shingles-flu
16. Tree falls on top of the garage.
17. Timmy's friend moves away, many of our "friends" fade away. I think some feel unemployment is catchy!
18. Small kitchen fire because I forget pan on the stove.
19. GVSU raises tution 13%-Kaylee's college fund will no longer cover her costs so we have to take out loans
20. I twist my ankle taking of picture of the fallen try to give to the insurance company.
The Good
1. We are still here and still have the house.
2. Tim got a job in November so we can give every cent he makes over to car repairs.
2. I got 14 articles published on Technology in the UK
3. MACUL journal wrote a Spotlight Article on me-good for the resume
4. I got a tea kettle for Christmas so I can stop burning up pans when heating water- no more kitchen fires.
5.We have a new oven-bought with Tim's first paycheck before all the cars died.
6. KayLee got herself engaged
7. Manning family Christmas was a huge success
8. We charged a Wii for Timmy- 3 years with dollar store Christmas presents- he deserves it.
9. Actually able to think about buying some clothing for the kids, that is not from the thirft store.
10. When we need milk we can actually go to the store and get it and not think about how many days before I get paid.
11. Professor from Calvin hears good things about my class and comes to school to spend a day with us. "My kids rule!"
12. St, Mark takes us in and Timmy is able to attend school for 100 dollars a month until Tim gets a job! Timmy now considers himself half Catholic and half Lutheran
13. We manage to buy hats and mittens for some of the kids at Congress School
14. Learned a Turkey can last 5 days
15. Won a grant to buy GPS units for school.
16. Tree falling means we don't have to cut it down.
17. Jamie has a real job and is happy in Californa
18. KayLee is moving on Campus at GVSU
19. George Bush's days are numbered. Are better days ahead???
20. Tim is a popular DJ at WYCU
Hopes, Dreams and Wishes
1. Good health for Family and Friends
2.Somehow/someway be able to have something called a vacation.
3. Continued employment for both Tim and I.
4. That the GRPS school board will allow us to have decent insurnace
5.That my car makes it until spring and that I can save up enough money to make a down payment on a new one.
6, That the letter form 2009 will be all about good things.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day is Just the beginning

It always amazes me at how fast the Christmas decorations are pulled down and put away at some peoples houses. Now I will admit to being a Christmas Junky but -still the 12 days of Christmas begin on Christmas Day (December 25) and end on January 5, eve of the traditional date of the Epiphany. Durint the 12 days of Christmas we remember some very important events .The Feast of the Holy Family, honoring Jesus, Mary and Joseph as a family. It is celebrated on the Sunday after Christmas.

The traditional end to the Christmas season is of course Epiphany. In fact in some Spanish speaking countries gifts are only exchanged on the eve of the Epiphany. One of my favorite Christmas traditions has to do with Epiphany. It is a time of blessing homes .The tradition developed on Epiphany, because the feast commemorates the time that the three kings visited the home of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Tradition names them Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar. Traditionally after the blessing, the initials of their names were written in chalk on the back of the door. They were enclosed by the year and connected by a cross in this way: 20+G+M+B+08.

So the consumer driven "Consumas" ends on Dec. 26th. . The whole meaning of Consumas—commercial Christmas—is to sell stuff. The Christmas sales morph into after-Christmas sales. (At some stores the last stretch is a 12 Days of Christmas sale that begins on December 13, reinterpreting the 12 days that traditionally started on December 25 and ended with the coming of the Wise Men on January 6.) Christmas carols on the radio and Christmas specials on television disappear just when they should be beginning, according to the Church calendar. It is really in these days when Santa has returned to the North Pole and the wrapping paper is packed away that I enjoy the Christmas Season. There is nothing like an upbeat Christmas Carol to help one clean, and I still insist we all eat together on Epiphany to celebrate family. Santa may only bring presents to those who are good-But Jesus died for us all-even someone like me, a flawed teacher and struggling wife and mother.

So you will have to forgive me-but its still Christmas and I am holding on to every precious moment. Can you tell I am humming a Christmas tune as I write:)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Collecting Memories

There are those unexpected magical moments that happen, when you least expect it and need it the most. Last night was one of those rare glimpses into magic. As Tim arrived home safely after slip sliding away on the roads, he was greeted with Hot Cocoa made by his son. The squash and meatloaf were scenting air. Curled up in front of the fireplace were Timmy and Kaylee snuggling with Victor the dog. I packed Tim into HIS chair and KayLee popped the Movie Prancer into the player. It somehow became movie night with Prancer followed by the Polar Express and the Snowman. The stress over car accidents and tight budgets just faded away as we gathered as a family and just enjoyed each other. Dinner infront of the fireplace, passing around the box of chocolates, and giggling together. The best gift this Christmas was the gift of time.

Is there anything better than a fireplace, family, a holiday movie, and a snoring Daddy?
Packing Snow

Remember the good stuff...The snow that packs into nice snowballs. The kind that you can roll into snow people. The stuff holiday cards show?? Today on Christmas Eve we have it=packing snow the good stuff. Playful snow!

Best Wishes from Arctic Michigan
and Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas in Many languages

Afrikaans: Geseënde Kersfees
Argentine: Feliz Navidad
GaghandAzeri: Tezze Iliniz Yahsi OlsunBahasa
Malaysia: Selamat Hari Natal
China: (Cantonese) Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw
Danish: Glædelig JulDuri: Christmas-e- Shoma Mobarak
Dutch: Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! or Zalig Kerstfeast
English: Merry Christmas
Eskimo: (inupik) Jutdlime pivdluarit ukiortame pivdluaritlo!dFinnish: Hyvaa joulua
Flemish: Zalig Kerstfeest en Gelukkig nieuw jaar
French: Joyeux NoelFrisian: Noflike Krystdagen en in protte Lok en Seine yn it Nije Jier!Galician: Bo Nada
Gaelic: Nollaig chridheil agus Bliadhna mhath ùr!
German: Fröhliche Weihnachten
Greek: Kala Christouyenna!
Haiti: (Creole) Jwaye Nowel or to Jesus Edo Bri'choHawaiian: Mele Kalikimaka
Hebrew: Mo'adim Lesimkha. Chena tovaHindi: Shub Naya Baras (good New Year not Merry Christmas)
Hawaian: Mele Kalikimaka ame Hauoli Makahiki Hou!
Hungarian: Kellemes Karacsonyi unnepeket
Icelandic: Gledileg
Iraqi: Idah Saidan Wa Sanah Jadidah
Irish: Nollaig Shona Dhuit, or Nodlaig mhaith chugnat
Iroquois: Ojenyunyat Sungwiyadeson honungradon nagwutut. Ojenyunyat osrasay.
Italian: Buone Feste Natalizie
Japanese: Shinnen omedeto. Kurisumasu Omedeto
Navajo: Merry Keshmish
Norwegian: God Jul, or Gledelig Jul
Polish: Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia or Boze Narodzenie
Russian: Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva is Novim Godom
Welsh: Nadolig Llawen

Monday, December 22, 2008

Snow + cars +snow=winter car costs

Fortunately,KayLee bought a nice 2001 Chev Prism. Cha Ching $$

Unfortunately, she and her boyfriend got into a car accident in the parking lot of the DMV because the snow was 2 inches deep and his car slid. Cha Ching $$

Fortunately- they are both okay ,although KayLee's back is sore from the impact.
Unfortunately, his car was damaged and had to be towed. Cha Ching $$

Fortunately her Daddy was able to take a long lunch hour and get her to the car so she could drive it home.
Unfortunately the roads are slippery and packed with traffic so it took him 1 1/2 hours-and remember this is a new job! Cha Ching $$

Fortunately ,I was home today to intercept emails and help Kaylee arrange car insurance and how to get proff of insurance faxed to the DMV.
Unfortunately, I was home, because last Wednesday my cars transmission died on the expressway and my car is getting a new transmission. Cha Ching $$

Fortunately when My car died Tim was able to get me and take me to work.
Unfortunately, his truck was working because 2 weeks earlier we had to pay 1900 to get his truck fixed. Cha Ching $$

Fortunately -Kaylee is in the shower-I made her call in to work. Alex just got to the Body Shop and is hoping they can pound out the damage. Cha Ching $$

Tim arrived safely back at work. I just mixed myself a run and diet Dr. Pepper.

Unfortunately they are predicting another 10 inches of the white stuff.

And I love the Snow why..................

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Timmy's Christmas List

Christmas List

Dear Santa,
It is time for my Christmas List. These are some of the things I wish…But I do recall that the most important message of Christmas… is peace on earth for all.

These are the 7 things I would like:
Lego mars mission h.o.a
Bionicle krika
Lego star wars V-15 torrent
Lego star wars AT-ST
Lego star wars LAAT
Lego mars mission etx alien infitrater
Bionicle ghorast


Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Day... Snow Day ...Snow Day

School Closings

I am guessing even ,my girlfriend Lisa in Arizonia could hear the joyous cries of children all over the midwest singing the "Snow Day" song! With 2-4 inches of snow falling every hour and a wind blowing all that powder about-the collective school systems called 'UNCLE!

I am sitting her at 9:30 a.m. in my P.J's looking out the window at the swirling snow and feeling a bit like I am living inside one of those Christmas snow globes. The scene is pretty but we are trapped here.- just like that village inside the glass dome. My car died 2 days ago on the expressway. It is currently sitting up at Cascade Automotic where it will likely cost more money than it is worth to fix the transmission. However since I am on Christmas Break-oops-now called Winter Break-I have no need to drive. So we will as usual find a way-somehow, someway to get it fixed . Meanwhile, I am setting the worries aside and going to make some warm cocoa, and will enjoy the winter scene from inside the toasty warm house.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Spreading Good Tidings

This year my 8th graders created a sort of electronic Christmas Card. We decided to share a bit of Christmas with our Parish family and the troops overseas. The kids worked in groups of 4 with each one creating a page on the Wiki site. I share the link here so you can enjoy their work as well. One of our students got word just this week that her Dad in Iraq is coming home for Christmas. It is to him we dedicate the site. Chritmas the season of miracles.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Magic That is Christmas

One of Timmy's Favorite Stories is the Polar Express. Here is one of the best songs from the movie. Written by a Grand Rapids Native it shows the very windows in downtown Grand Rapids that I used to gaze through as a child. It is the time year when we just...Believe

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Merry Christmas from the Southern States... Bah Humbug

Basically they said. "Drop Dead Michigan! We have all our cute little plants down here owned by the Japanese and we are not going to give one penny to their competition-American Made cars." No matter that they have also sent a death blow to all the car dealership in the south that sell GM. Instead they pick up the battle cry-it's all the union's fault. No matter-that labor costs are only 20% of the cost of a car. No mention of the huge wage concessions the UAW has given over the past 3 years or the fact they reopened their contract and GAVE away their Job Bank-before they even asked! Wages at the big 3 are now very close to the Japanese plants in the south-another point raely raised.

Even President Bush has recognized the importance of the auto industry to the overall economy. It is nice to see him standing up and doing what is right. Perhaps because he doesn't have to worry about reelection, perhaps because he doesn't want to leave office with the worse economic picture since 1969. No matter at least he has the treasury department looking into a bridge loan.

What makes me so angry is the fact we bailed Wall Street out with 700 billion with no questions asked-and they don't make or build anything. But the Automakers want a loan-not a gift but a loan-and instead for Christmas they filled our stockings with coal.

Midwesterners have a L-o-n-g- memory. When these same water starved states come knocking on Michigan's door for some of our Great Lakes water-I bet you can guess what our response will be.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Junky

Most of you who know me understand that I simply adore all things Christmas.

It is of course the story of a fufilled promise. It teaches all the values I try to teach and live by. The patience of Mary during those long month's of carrying a child-not just any child-but THE CHILD. Joseph's acceptance of the burden life handed him and accepting it, with grace and gratitude. Then of course there is the simple stable that reminds us that it is not the place, or the things that matter-it is the people-the gift of life. Jospeh displayed prudence in the decesions he made to safe guard the new family. One can only imagine the fortitude displayed while traveling such a long distance so that the census could be taken. Even back then the government was entwined with religion.

In the end of course, it was the virtues of Faith in a higher power, Hope that the Christ child could bring goodness to the world, and the selfless, unconditional, and voluntary loving-kindness of our Lord to give us HIS Son as our teacher.

It is during this season, the circle of evergreens reminds me of His endless love. The Lights shining in the darkness remind me that someday I too will follow a bright light at the end of my days. Santa himself teaches us it is best to give without taking credit. It is indeed in giving that we recieve. Perhaps that means hauling the neighbors trash bin back up to their house, or sending a thank you note to someone who in your past helped or inspired you.

Christmas to me reprsents that fact that God loves and believes in us. That women was honored to give life to the King of Kings is an unquestioning representation of how valued women are to our savior. There is to me a quiet magic and mystery to the season. When it is so cold and barren, one needs to look inside and beyond the veil to see our Lord at work. During Spring God's handiwork is clearly evident. In summer His Love glows. In Fall the rainbow of leaves paints the season with the colors of change. But winter-those days short of daylight and full of cold and wind and storms. How do we see the Lord at this time of year?

We see him in the rosey cheeks of a child, in the loving arms of a mother as she cuddles the him from the cold , and to the mystery and believe that there is indeed something much more beyond this earthly place. This season I share two Christmas video's that to me show the simple love and belief a child has this season. Get a tissue because these may make you shed a tear or two. They did me.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Manning Family Christmas

I hear so often at this time of year people dreading the get-togethers with their extended families. This always gives me pause...because there is nothing that gives me greater pleasure. I simply adore my family.

I can't imagine what kind of person I would have been without each and every one of them. My Aunt Eddie's house was the place where you were allowed to go wild-in fact she would be right there having fun along side you. My Aunt Virgina taught me that there was a time and place for everything. She had the best manners. My Uncle Dick taught me to not take life so seriously, my Uncle Freddy and Aunt Geri were a constant support system for Everyone in the family. When times were tough at home when my dad was divorcing my mom I lived with my Aunt Jean and Uncle Dick. My Uncle Bob was the fun loving uncle I still adore. He has the best kind of common sense and the heart of a giant teddy bear. My Aunt Klio is responsible for teaching me to sew and even encourages me to cook. When I was little I slept at the foot of her bed. I was welcomed and loved. With my mother's health so bad I spent lots of time growing up at my different Aunts and Uncle's houses. As an adult I realize what a pain it must have been having me there-yet I never once felt out of place or unwanted.

My cousins and I have so many great stories of things we did together growing up. My house is full of little things that are from each one of them. We are just 3 generations away from our family who immigrated from England and Ireland. From Great Grandparents who were farmers to college educated cousins. We are all far from wealthy in terms of money. But there is a richness to the family. You can feel the genuine love in the hugs of welcome. These are the people that you can share a bell laugh with. These are the people who have seen you at your best and worse-and still they love you. Unconditionally-because that's what families are all about.

We have had our disagreements-fights-but always-always for the holidays all of it was put aside. One of the aunts or uncles would simply state-get over it-they are your family! As the years past and the family grows it does become more and more difficult to find a time and a place where we can all get together. We rarely get everyone any more-but we always get most.

The special thrill for me this year was to see all the new babies. Cassie and Justin had little Kileigh, Tara and Luke with Autumn now 7 months old, and Aaron and Cheryl with 2 month old Sophie. Little Jean and Justin have Riley and Blake, Jonathon has Alec, and Aaron is up to 4 including the new baby. Amanda's Austin is already 5 and starting school.

My family is a blessing. Today I am tired but my heart is full. To be in the presence and surrounding by a large loving family is indeed the very best of what Christmas stands for!