St. Patrick's Day began with a goodbye kiss to my hubby who would be working out of town. Dropping Timmy off at school with cupcakes iced with green frosting we were treated with with a lovely sunrise in the rear view window. Living in MIchigan there is nothing more welcomed the sught of the sun. Living so close to the big lake winters here are dark and cloudy. The snowy days tend to begin here in October and last well forever. Then just when it seems like we will never see green again-we are teased with a day like today.69 degrees, bright and sunny, a light bleeze blowing.
It was one of those days that it was fun to leave work. Pulling into the driveway it was like someone woke up the entire neighborhood Kids out riding bikes, moms pushing strollers-and laughter. The sweet sounds of laughter traveling through the air. It was a day to be embraced, savored and treasured. I fully realize we have more colder days ahead, an ice storm or two-but the earth continues to revolve around the sun, and summer will follow spring.
For the next few days Timmy and I will be looking for signs of spring. The return of our state bird the robin. A crocus pushing its away up through freshley thawed soil, and the sun warming our faces.
That picture reminds me of sledding with Miss Katie in April '07...with the daffodils blooming!!
Hopefully spring is springing!
Miss you.
I love this photo. Is it yours?
Hey there... I saw you have a Loew family tree on your homepage. How are you related to the Loews? I have a ton of info to fill in the blanks if you are interested.
Yours truly
dave Loew
Did you stop blogging? :-(
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