Sometimes when the old ways don't work-you just have to give the new guy a chance! How did the transformation takes place???? Becaue people like Ronald Reagan and Jerry Ford who were able to work with people of different viewpoints have dissappeared.
In my humble opinion, the republican party is now being run by an overweight talk show host, that dropped out of college. Besides the fact that I never could respect the viewpoint of anyone who felt compelled to YELL, on the T.V. or radio. It is just plain sad, the lack of respectful behavior that is displayed. Right now the only thing I am hearing from the rebublicans are all the things they are against. Whatever happened to compromise? The economy is in a HUGE Mess. The republicans were in charge for the last 8 years, so they need to take some responsibility and become part of the solution.
So ....I am willing to give the other side a try. They are at least stepping up and trying to make things better. The republicans increased the national debt, got us into conflicts no one seem to be able to figure out an exit strategy for. Frankly they used 8 years of rule to make those at the very highest level rich while the rest of us saw a cost of living decrease. As a teacher I have not seen a raise in 3 years, have worked 2 years without a contract, and am looking forward to having a contract imposed that lowers our health care coverage.
Basically-I was not better off under the republicans. In the end -that is the bottom line and why there are so many like me that have become born again Democrats. We-the Middle Class-the ones whose tax dollars are expected to save the comuntry from corporate greed-want a republican party that understands and represents us-no an intolerant talkshow host. Until the REPUBLICANS get their act together -I'm a born again Deomcrat.
After I saw Bobby Jindal, I have to say I started to wonder about my allegience.
At this point-My question is---Where is the gosh darn middle where so many of us could meet????
Maybe if the lawyers and teachers united together we could rule the world????
I was raised by hardcore Republicans, am married to a hardcore Democrat, but I am slightly left of center. Sometimes I think there is no place for me, but I hope the Obama administration is my answer.
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