Paying attention and listening to board meetings I can't help but wonder why my school board will not settle a contract with us. It has been 2 years-we are the lowest paid teachers in the county and still they want us to give up more money while they increase our working hours and class size. At some point it would be nice for them to realize that it is about respect. Right now they will not even settle on a calendar for next year and it is looking like we could go 4-6 weeks without a paycheck. We have somehow become a "human resource" and no longer a person. So it is indeed important that we stick together and remind ourselves that teaching is more of a calling than a job.We have an obligation to be the voices of our children. When the school actually propised to "Plug" kids into computers for 3 hours a days expecting software to be highly qualified and teah children-we must remind them that we are NOT producing cars-we are inspiring students.
I worry that all the bad press and demands on teachers today will discourage others from entering into the profession. Already we have a hard time get teachers to subtitude teach in Grand Rapids and many student teachers will not take student teaching assignent in the inner city. Our student deserve great teachers. Teachers that are respected. I remain shocked beyond words that they actually think they can be replace people with machines. You just have to read this to believe i.
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