September has arrived and a long with it the hurried days of School, homework, and the balancing act of taking care of family memebers. This year I have been given a work day scheduled with only a 30 minute lunch, and no time for restroom breaks. Add to that a sick husband and trying to stay positive and upbeat has become a bit of a challenge.
I am blessed that Tim's mother has helped as well as his sister. Medical bills are a bit overwhelming and I am amazed at what they charge for. But in the middle of all the stress is a small boy named Timmy. And I take delight in the things he shares and try to find something good in every day for him.
Next week we are off to U of M and hopefully some help for the husband. My aunt is staying with Timmy and then KLaylee will come home and help as well.
I couldn't have made it this far without the positive cards and comments from the St. Mark people. They give me strength
Friday, September 18, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Summer as a Stay-at-Home Mom
Summer is here and I give it a big cheer. For 9 weeks I am a stay-at-Home Mom. It is a luxury I bask in. I have a bit of guilt that I could take a summer job and save some honest $$$-but then again so many of my fellow sisters do this full time job year round. It is good for me to slow down-spend some quality fa,ily time, and even have enough hours in the day to clean the house.
Staying home during the summer months also gives me a real appreciation for what full time stay-at-home moms deal with. My fellow working Moms are bit well- jealous of my weeks off. Sometimes I poitely remind them that they get several weeks off during the year-can leave work early to see their child's stuff at school-while I am frankly not able to partcipate in any of my own children's school activities becasue I am at another school. I have to admit as much as I love teaching-I love being a stay-at-home mom even better.
I love the possibilities that exist each day. When a day is not filled to the brim with lessons, reports, parent phone calls, meetings-you can actually hvae time to chew your food. I can take time to plant a flower read a book, and discuss deepl;y thought questions with my son. I get to enjoy the laughter of children without the responsibility of making sure they are all following some schiolk procedure. Swiming, biking, and reading a book-just for fun! Ahh summer.
Even as we struggle to discover the mystery of Tim's headache's I have the blessed gift of time. I can be there for him-for my family-what a gift. If you are able to be a stay-at-home mother-relish the gift. It is a blessing
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Life in all of it's Complexities
Every morning I get up and put on a Attitude of Gratitude. For I am so blessed to have a warm home, a car that at presents still works, a family that loves me and a job where I get to make a difference in the lives of the children I teach. Sitting on the GREA Executive board I was granted a view into the "politics" that seem to define education, and it strengthen my resolve that teachers are still important even if school boards don't always "get it!"

Paying attention and listening to board meetings I can't help but wonder why my school board will not settle a contract with us. It has been 2 years-we are the lowest paid teachers in the county and still they want us to give up more money while they increase our working hours and class size. At some point it would be nice for them to realize that it is about respect. Right now they will not even settle on a calendar for next year and it is looking like we could go 4-6 weeks without a paycheck. We have somehow become a "human resource" and no longer a person. So it is indeed important that we stick together and remind ourselves that teaching is more of a calling than a job.We have an obligation to be the voices of our children. When the school actually propised to "Plug" kids into computers for 3 hours a days expecting software to be highly qualified and teah children-we must remind them that we are NOT producing cars-we are inspiring students.
I worry that all the bad press and demands on teachers today will discourage others from entering into the profession. Already we have a hard time get teachers to subtitude teach in Grand Rapids and many student teachers will not take student teaching assignent in the inner city. Our student deserve great teachers. Teachers that are respected. I remain shocked beyond words that they actually think they can be replace people with machines. You just have to read this to believe i.
Paying attention and listening to board meetings I can't help but wonder why my school board will not settle a contract with us. It has been 2 years-we are the lowest paid teachers in the county and still they want us to give up more money while they increase our working hours and class size. At some point it would be nice for them to realize that it is about respect. Right now they will not even settle on a calendar for next year and it is looking like we could go 4-6 weeks without a paycheck. We have somehow become a "human resource" and no longer a person. So it is indeed important that we stick together and remind ourselves that teaching is more of a calling than a job.We have an obligation to be the voices of our children. When the school actually propised to "Plug" kids into computers for 3 hours a days expecting software to be highly qualified and teah children-we must remind them that we are NOT producing cars-we are inspiring students.
I worry that all the bad press and demands on teachers today will discourage others from entering into the profession. Already we have a hard time get teachers to subtitude teach in Grand Rapids and many student teachers will not take student teaching assignent in the inner city. Our student deserve great teachers. Teachers that are respected. I remain shocked beyond words that they actually think they can be replace people with machines. You just have to read this to believe i.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
St. Patrick's Day began with a goodbye kiss to my hubby who would be working out of town. Dropping Timmy off at school with cupcakes iced with green frosting we were treated with with a lovely sunrise in the rear view window. Living in MIchigan there is nothing more welcomed the sught of the sun. Living so close to the big lake winters here are dark and cloudy. The snowy days tend to begin here in October and last well forever. Then just when it seems like we will never see green again-we are teased with a day like today.69 degrees, bright and sunny, a light bleeze blowing.
It was one of those days that it was fun to leave work. Pulling into the driveway it was like someone woke up the entire neighborhood Kids out riding bikes, moms pushing strollers-and laughter. The sweet sounds of laughter traveling through the air. It was a day to be embraced, savored and treasured. I fully realize we have more colder days ahead, an ice storm or two-but the earth continues to revolve around the sun, and summer will follow spring.
For the next few days Timmy and I will be looking for signs of spring. The return of our state bird the robin. A crocus pushing its away up through freshley thawed soil, and the sun warming our faces.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Education is Still my Passion
All in all, during the past few years my school district has done very little to encourage it's teaching staff. The reasons: Working for a second year without a contract; being the lowest paid teachers in the county; having a Superintendant who while giving himself a raise is about to impose a teaching contract where we lose our good insurance, go with a less expense carrier, lose our drug card and pay for our insurance. At the same time the challenge of teaching children in inner city remains.
I am blessed to be assigned to a non-public school where I have to do very little discipline and am allowed to do lots and lots of teaching. I have a wonderful computer lab where I can bring the world into my students lives, challenge their thinking, and become inspired by their ideas.
To this end I would like to share one of the sites I am most inspired by a good read is: "What Works in Public Education !"
Let's Face it...Reflection Makes Learning Stick It is a simple yet powerful idea:
Routinely ask students to think about what they've learned.
I am blessed to be assigned to a non-public school where I have to do very little discipline and am allowed to do lots and lots of teaching. I have a wonderful computer lab where I can bring the world into my students lives, challenge their thinking, and become inspired by their ideas.
To this end I would like to share one of the sites I am most inspired by a good read is: "What Works in Public Education !"
Let's Face it...Reflection Makes Learning Stick It is a simple yet powerful idea:
Routinely ask students to think about what they've learned.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Recovering Republican/Born again Democrat

Sometimes when the old ways don't work-you just have to give the new guy a chance! How did the transformation takes place???? Becaue people like Ronald Reagan and Jerry Ford who were able to work with people of different viewpoints have dissappeared.
In my humble opinion, the republican party is now being run by an overweight talk show host, that dropped out of college. Besides the fact that I never could respect the viewpoint of anyone who felt compelled to YELL, on the T.V. or radio. It is just plain sad, the lack of respectful behavior that is displayed. Right now the only thing I am hearing from the rebublicans are all the things they are against. Whatever happened to compromise? The economy is in a HUGE Mess. The republicans were in charge for the last 8 years, so they need to take some responsibility and become part of the solution.
So ....I am willing to give the other side a try. They are at least stepping up and trying to make things better. The republicans increased the national debt, got us into conflicts no one seem to be able to figure out an exit strategy for. Frankly they used 8 years of rule to make those at the very highest level rich while the rest of us saw a cost of living decrease. As a teacher I have not seen a raise in 3 years, have worked 2 years without a contract, and am looking forward to having a contract imposed that lowers our health care coverage.
Basically-I was not better off under the republicans. In the end -that is the bottom line and why there are so many like me that have become born again Democrats. We-the Middle Class-the ones whose tax dollars are expected to save the comuntry from corporate greed-want a republican party that understands and represents us-no an intolerant talkshow host. Until the REPUBLICANS get their act together -I'm a born again Deomcrat.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Winter Camping
Outdoor Education- The 5th and 6th grade classes get to experience education in the great outdoors. What better place than nature’s classroom to learn about things like survival, pioneer life, food chains and so much more? What an adventure-a delight-how could I miss such a milestone???

So in an attempt to be a good Mom I took all three of my percious personal business days and went to camp. Outdoor camp in the dead of Michigan Winter. And of course-it rained! The children got a chance to experience "Living History." They took part in French-Canadian fur trading, Michigan lumbering, and Native American Life. Did I mention almost all of it was outside? Did I mention it rained-a lot?? My boots many years old soaked right through, and never managed to dry off before the next morn ing. I went through more pairs of socks and gloves than you can imagince. Thankfully the camp had extra gear for the kids when their stuff soaked through.
A real favorite with the kids was the Pioneer Life Fair where they tried different pioneer skills such as candle dipping, wool spinning, tool use, rope-making, and over-the-fire cooking.I enjoyed the candle making which was inside:)

Along with pioneer skills the children learned about food chains, orienteering,and Timmy's personal favorite the high ropes. The kids had a wonderful time and managed to handle the weather that included rain, more rain, freezing rain, and after everything was REALLY wet-a frosty bone-chilling cold wind, and a temperature drop beow 20 degrees. All that rain made some nice frozen paths for slip slidding away, great for siding down the hill.
In addition to all the fun activities the kids ate together,helped clean up and even had a dance to end the weekend. Team building was accomplished, and the kids became a team. Timmy made it through day 1 and day 2 like a trooper. However by the third morning he was unhappy, over tired, wet through and through and wanted to go home. All in all not bad for a kids with ADD!
Arriving back in GR at 10:30 Friday night I can't remember a time I felt happier to see my own bed! I had about all the education and wet, rainy, uncomfortable clothing I could take for a while. I threw out Timmy's socks and boots that were frozen and smelly. ( Didn't want to expereince the smell when thawed out)
Camp was- all in all -an expereince not to be missed. Next year I will bring rain gear, lots more socks, extra boots, and even a pair of snowpants for me!
THis week well- of course it's World Math Day tomorrow!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Life at 50
It's all good...well most of it.
I've gotten a bit to fat.
My hair has gotten a bit to gray
My face a bit too wrinkled
and I seem to hate driving more each day.
On the other hand,,,
I have more patience
I can laugh out loud and not care who hears
I embrace the truth because life is too short to sugar coat it.
I really don't care if people like me or not-I will settle for respect.
I've gotten a bit to fat.
My hair has gotten a bit to gray
My face a bit too wrinkled
and I seem to hate driving more each day.
On the other hand,,,
I have more patience
I can laugh out loud and not care who hears
I embrace the truth because life is too short to sugar coat it.
I really don't care if people like me or not-I will settle for respect.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Life as a Single Parent
No I did not divorce my husband. However with him traveling out of town for 4 days in a row I did get a taste of going it alone. This experience increase exponentially my respect for women that do this day in and day out. It was ...quieter....more stressful and exhausting.
After a long day of teaching I had to hurry out of the building to pick my own child up from After School care. The hours after school you of course have to pay for. Then home to help him with his homework, prepare the evening meal, send him off to bed, pick up the house, do laundry, do homeowrk for school and drop into bed around 11:30 p.m. Up at 6:00in the morning to make breakfast, pack lunches, drive the little one to school and then myself to work. Mix in a liberal amount of midwestern blizzards and slippery roads, and you get the picture of a frazzeled MOM!
Thankfully my husband returned home this Friday and I am spending my Saturday catching up on school work, blogging, buying jewelry on ebay, and napping. He is in town all next week so I once again to share driving and dinner making. God Bless all of those single mothers out there that work and raise their families...
At least with the Lilly Ledbetter, legislation passing in the Senate by a vote of 61 to 36, equal pay for equal work will become the law of the land. The bill is now headed to President Obama's desk for signing. I will never forget that I only took 3 weeks maternity leave from my first teaching position because they would not allow me to use my sick days . Going without 3 weeks of pay was about all my family could handle so it was back to work I went. During the same school year a male teacher hurt his back and he was not only allowed to use his 10 sick days but was also paid for the entire 6 weeks he was off because he was "Head" of his family.
The Ledbetter legislatiom will at least allow all those single moms out there struggling to make an evener playing field.
After a long day of teaching I had to hurry out of the building to pick my own child up from After School care. The hours after school you of course have to pay for. Then home to help him with his homework, prepare the evening meal, send him off to bed, pick up the house, do laundry, do homeowrk for school and drop into bed around 11:30 p.m. Up at 6:00in the morning to make breakfast, pack lunches, drive the little one to school and then myself to work. Mix in a liberal amount of midwestern blizzards and slippery roads, and you get the picture of a frazzeled MOM!
Thankfully my husband returned home this Friday and I am spending my Saturday catching up on school work, blogging, buying jewelry on ebay, and napping. He is in town all next week so I once again to share driving and dinner making. God Bless all of those single mothers out there that work and raise their families...
At least with the Lilly Ledbetter, legislation passing in the Senate by a vote of 61 to 36, equal pay for equal work will become the law of the land. The bill is now headed to President Obama's desk for signing. I will never forget that I only took 3 weeks maternity leave from my first teaching position because they would not allow me to use my sick days . Going without 3 weeks of pay was about all my family could handle so it was back to work I went. During the same school year a male teacher hurt his back and he was not only allowed to use his 10 sick days but was also paid for the entire 6 weeks he was off because he was "Head" of his family.
The Ledbetter legislatiom will at least allow all those single moms out there struggling to make an evener playing field.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Techee President
egardless sf whether you like the man or not-he has embraced technlogy to get his message across. He has facebook groups, an email network, twitter tweeks, and the website flipped over at 12:01 (Yep I checked) . They have a blog, a wiki, and a page where you can email and comment. The New Pres. managed to keep his Blackberry, and set up dampening field around the White House.

Now here's hoping this will translate into using technology to teach kids in school. All the money WASTED on No Child Left behind (AKA Paperwork H-e-double toothpicks) could have been spent to wire schools, and place certified teachers in computer labs, to teach kids and staff alike how to use technology to engage students, provide differentiated instruction, and how to use the computer as a thinking tool. NCLB tried to imprint a busines model on schools- which is fine except for one major problems-Kids are NOT products.
Each child has his or her own special gifts. We take for granted that children learn to walk and talk at different times. Yet once in school AYP has pacing charts-saying where the child should be on any given day of the week in any subject. They should all be at the same place at the same time??????? Yeah right!!!!! Look around your office, your family, church or supermarket. Are all those folks exactly alike? Also let's not forget that children who live in poverty RARELY start and finish a school year in the same school. As their parents are tossed out-the kids go along with them.

Let's take the kids from where they are and challenge them to go as far forward as they can get.
No Child Left behind-left the child out of education. In order for schools to be successful we need to be able to keep the children in the same classroom for an entire school year. We need parents to value the education the schools are providing, and to not allow disrespectful and violent behavior in our schools. They means mre social workers , counselors and alternative schools. I tmeans well trained and paied teachers who are well versed in todays technology in order t perpare children to become thinkers, and problem solvers.

Now here's hoping this will translate into using technology to teach kids in school. All the money WASTED on No Child Left behind (AKA Paperwork H-e-double toothpicks) could have been spent to wire schools, and place certified teachers in computer labs, to teach kids and staff alike how to use technology to engage students, provide differentiated instruction, and how to use the computer as a thinking tool. NCLB tried to imprint a busines model on schools- which is fine except for one major problems-Kids are NOT products.
Each child has his or her own special gifts. We take for granted that children learn to walk and talk at different times. Yet once in school AYP has pacing charts-saying where the child should be on any given day of the week in any subject. They should all be at the same place at the same time??????? Yeah right!!!!! Look around your office, your family, church or supermarket. Are all those folks exactly alike? Also let's not forget that children who live in poverty RARELY start and finish a school year in the same school. As their parents are tossed out-the kids go along with them.

Let's take the kids from where they are and challenge them to go as far forward as they can get.
No Child Left behind-left the child out of education. In order for schools to be successful we need to be able to keep the children in the same classroom for an entire school year. We need parents to value the education the schools are providing, and to not allow disrespectful and violent behavior in our schools. They means mre social workers , counselors and alternative schools. I tmeans well trained and paied teachers who are well versed in todays technology in order t perpare children to become thinkers, and problem solvers.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Inaugual
I watched the Inaugural address in the classroom of our Spanish teacher. The speech brought tears to my eyes. I was especially to happy to hear that civil liberaties wil be restored, and no longer will we throw people into jail and refuse them a trail.
I was also impressed with the call for sacrafice and the challenge to raise above the times and use the resources of our people to make the nation great.
Can we consider:
Free AND Fair Trade
Balance between civil liberties and security
Personal Privacy AND Collective Responsibility
Understanding the difference between Needs and Wants
Value courage and character above Color
A free market where the player follow the rules
It is after all a time to HOPE
My favorite quote," The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better history; to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea, passed on from generation to generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free ."
I was also impressed with the call for sacrafice and the challenge to raise above the times and use the resources of our people to make the nation great.
Can we consider:
Free AND Fair Trade
Balance between civil liberties and security
Personal Privacy AND Collective Responsibility
Understanding the difference between Needs and Wants
Value courage and character above Color
A free market where the player follow the rules
It is after all a time to HOPE
My favorite quote," The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better history; to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea, passed on from generation to generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free ."
Monday, January 19, 2009
The sun Shines in Michigan-Sometimes

I remember Timmy asking me if God was the the sun.....I guess since he there in all things-he is indeed there. So I guess I saw God today-or as a better way of explaining it-I felt for a moment that innate promise that lies beyond every winter. Under the cool blanket of snow lies life---just waiting.
So as Timmy works on his homework I am allowed a brief moment to recall that I would not treasure Spring so much-if not for winter. Tomorrow a new president-a new day perhaps new hope for better days ahead.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
In the thick of Winter
You know it's cold when....
you can hear your feet crunch in the snow.
you can see your breath.
the windshield has ice on the inside as well as the outside.
it hurts to breath outside.
you count between 9-12 car accident every morning on the way to work.
you can't bring the trash out because it is frozen to the ground.
the dog spends less than 10 seconds outside to pee.
the school children can't remember the last time that had outside recess.
the snow plow doesn't know where to put all the snow
the pop in the garage frezzes
you actually don't want to go anywhere on the weekends
Some warm thoughts:
We are getting a new president, and I am hopeful the economy will get better.
Husbands snuggle more in the winter.
I have a new stove to cook with.
only 12 weeks until Spring
you can hear your feet crunch in the snow.
you can see your breath.
the windshield has ice on the inside as well as the outside.
it hurts to breath outside.
you count between 9-12 car accident every morning on the way to work.
you can't bring the trash out because it is frozen to the ground.
the dog spends less than 10 seconds outside to pee.
the school children can't remember the last time that had outside recess.
the snow plow doesn't know where to put all the snow
the pop in the garage frezzes
you actually don't want to go anywhere on the weekends
Some warm thoughts:
We are getting a new president, and I am hopeful the economy will get better.
Husbands snuggle more in the winter.
I have a new stove to cook with.
only 12 weeks until Spring
Friday, January 2, 2009
Mid Life Crisis

I know there are many people who love their BMW and German engineering. Volvo's have the market cornered on Safety. KEA has the market cornered on Cheap. Toyota gets the nod for reliability. As for me- no one makes a muscle car as cool as the Motor City. I've driven a couple of motor bikes in my 20's, a Camero, a Geo Prism, a Ford Truck, and (shudder) a Mercury Lynx, and now a B.onneville. I've done a few test drives in Porsche. Nothing and I mean nothing can compare to the road hugging horse called Mustang.
We have always bought American cars. Since my husband gave four years of his life to defend this country we have been committed to American Made products. I love the innovation and design in American cars. I love looking at the cars in the auto show. American cars have smoother lines, are less boxy and actually employ Americans. We have recently heard alot about the American car makers not keepong up-but come on- do you really think one of those tiny little Chinese cars called ‘Flybo-EV‘ that can reach top speeds of 45mph (Thats once you’ve had the limiter taken off, otherwise its 25mph), could handle the winters in the Mid West??? How do you think any of them will last if they end up kissing a tree in the ice and snow? Squish...unfortunately it will be squashed while carrying real human beings.
On the other hand my mustang weighs more and actually has to meet safety standards. Here are a couple I havebeen drolling o

Fab at 50!
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