St. Patrick's Day began with a goodbye kiss to my hubby who would be working out of town. Dropping Timmy off at school with cupcakes iced with green frosting we were treated with with a lovely sunrise in the rear view window. Living in MIchigan there is nothing more welcomed the sught of the sun. Living so close to the big lake winters here are dark and cloudy. The snowy days tend to begin here in October and last well forever. Then just when it seems like we will never see green again-we are teased with a day like today.69 degrees, bright and sunny, a light bleeze blowing.
It was one of those days that it was fun to leave work. Pulling into the driveway it was like someone woke up the entire neighborhood Kids out riding bikes, moms pushing strollers-and laughter. The sweet sounds of laughter traveling through the air. It was a day to be embraced, savored and treasured. I fully realize we have more colder days ahead, an ice storm or two-but the earth continues to revolve around the sun, and summer will follow spring.
For the next few days Timmy and I will be looking for signs of spring. The return of our state bird the robin. A crocus pushing its away up through freshley thawed soil, and the sun warming our faces.
All in all, during the past few years my school district has done very little to encourage it's teaching staff. The reasons: Working for a second year without a contract; being the lowest paid teachers in the county; having a Superintendant who while giving himself a raise is about to impose a teaching contract where we lose our good insurance, go with a less expense carrier, lose our drug card and pay for our insurance. At the same time the challenge of teaching children in inner city remains.
I am blessed to be assigned to a non-public school where I have to do very little discipline and am allowed to do lots and lots of teaching. I have a wonderful computer lab where I can bring the world into my students lives, challenge their thinking, and become inspired by their ideas.
To this end I would like to share one of the sites I am most inspired by a good read is: "What Works in Public Education !"
Let's Face it...Reflection Makes Learning Stick It is a simple yet powerful idea:
Routinely ask students to think about what they've learned.
Sometimes when the old ways don't work-you just have to give the new guy a chance! How did the transformation takes place???? Becaue people like Ronald Reagan and Jerry Ford who were able to work with people of different viewpoints have dissappeared.
In my humble opinion, the republican party is now being run by an overweight talk show host, that dropped out of college. Besides the fact that I never could respect the viewpoint of anyone who felt compelled to YELL, on the T.V. or radio. It is just plain sad, the lack of respectful behavior that is displayed. Right now the only thing I am hearing from the rebublicans are all the things they are against. Whatever happened to compromise? The economy is in a HUGE Mess. The republicans were in charge for the last 8 years, so they need to take some responsibility and become part of the solution.
So ....I am willing to give the other side a try. They are at least stepping up and trying to make things better. The republicans increased the national debt, got us into conflicts no one seem to be able to figure out an exit strategy for. Frankly they used 8 years of rule to make those at the very highest level rich while the rest of us saw a cost of living decrease. As a teacher I have not seen a raise in 3 years, have worked 2 years without a contract, and am looking forward to having a contract imposed that lowers our health care coverage.
Basically-I was not better off under the republicans. In the end -that is the bottom line and why there are so many like me that have become born again Democrats. We-the Middle Class-the ones whose tax dollars are expected to save the comuntry from corporate greed-want a republican party that understands and represents us-no an intolerant talkshow host. Until the REPUBLICANS get their act together -I'm a born again Deomcrat.
Outdoor Education- The 5th and 6th grade classes get to experience education in the great outdoors. What better place than nature’s classroom to learn about things like survival, pioneer life, food chains and so much more? What an adventure-a delight-how could I miss such a milestone??? So in an attempt to be a good Mom I took all three of my percious personal business days and went to camp. Outdoor camp in the dead of Michigan Winter. And of course-it rained! The children got a chance to experience "Living History." They took part in French-Canadian fur trading, Michigan lumbering, and Native American Life. Did I mention almost all of it was outside? Did I mention it rained-a lot?? My boots many years old soaked right through, and never managed to dry off before the next morn ing. I went through more pairs of socks and gloves than you can imagince. Thankfully the camp had extra gear for the kids when their stuff soaked through.
A real favorite with the kids was the Pioneer Life Fair where they tried different pioneer skills such as candle dipping, wool spinning, tool use, rope-making, and over-the-fire cooking.I enjoyed the candle making which was inside:) Along with pioneer skills the children learned about food chains, orienteering,and Timmy's personal favorite the high ropes. The kids had a wonderful time and managed to handle the weather that included rain, more rain, freezing rain, and after everything was REALLY wet-a frosty bone-chilling cold wind, and a temperature drop beow 20 degrees. All that rain made some nice frozen paths for slip slidding away, great for siding down the hill.
In addition to all the fun activities the kids ate together,helped clean up and even had a dance to end the weekend. Team building was accomplished, and the kids became a team. Timmy made it through day 1 and day 2 like a trooper. However by the third morning he was unhappy, over tired, wet through and through and wanted to go home. All in all not bad for a kids with ADD!
Arriving back in GR at 10:30 Friday night I can't remember a time I felt happier to see my own bed! I had about all the education and wet, rainy, uncomfortable clothing I could take for a while. I threw out Timmy's socks and boots that were frozen and smelly. ( Didn't want to expereince the smell when thawed out)
Camp was- all in all -an expereince not to be missed. Next year I will bring rain gear, lots more socks, extra boots, and even a pair of snowpants for me!
THis week well- of course it's World Math Day tomorrow!
I live in the little town somewhere in the MidWest, United States
Living the dream.. husband, 3 kids, dog and a house in the burb's. Working hard to balance my roles as wife, mother, teacher, and friend. Some days I do it well and others...well read all about it. To quote JFK,“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” So here's to counting our blessings and living-one day at a time!