Tuesday Morning--we woke up to hear the names of our schools on the radio! That means...Snow Day Snow Snow Day... Having has MOnday off to celebrate Martin Luther Kings Holiday-The Tuesday was a bonus- A day to celebrate!
So Cinda, Sammie, Timmy and have dragged our sleds down to the hill by the river and we went sledding. Even though I couldn't find my boots- Trugged through the snow and experienced the thrill of fall flat on my face, and then i even took a slide down the hill. Of course I came armed with Hot cocoa-and you could likely hear our laughter hald way to East Grand Rapids. The sun was shinning and it was so warm I even took off my gloves. The river was iced over and the trees were blanketed in snow. It was a great day to be alive!
So Cinda, Sammie, Timmy and have dragged our sleds down to the hill by the river and we went sledding. Even though I couldn't find my boots- Trugged through the snow and experienced the thrill of fall flat on my face, and then i even took a slide down the hill. Of course I came armed with Hot cocoa-and you could likely hear our laughter hald way to East Grand Rapids. The sun was shinning and it was so warm I even took off my gloves. The river was iced over and the trees were blanketed in snow. It was a great day to be alive!

Timmy and Sammie built a snow volcano in Gelhood's Drive. Tim sculpted and regalled us with facts about snow molecules and crystals. Sammie smashed in the leaves and stick-even though their methods were very different the snow volcano turned out to be spectacular!

When my toes were too cold to move we went inside Sammie's house and worked on her Fossil Project. We ordered Chinese food for lunch and then the kids indulged in some computer time to explore WebKinz and the lastest star charts. Timmy is suddenly interested in Mars.
Wednesday was back to work and I was knee deep in the end of the semester grades, attendance, staff meetings and OM. So this weekend which I spent in bed fighting off the stomach flu-I at least had a great day to look back at and enjoy!
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