I know they all do it but--OMG Timmy cut his own hair. It was "Wacky Hair Day" at his school so after I left for work Tuesday morning ,Tim took his eyes off Timmy. ..never a good idea! Timmy got a hold of some scissors and he did indeed create a Wacky Hair Style. Bangs cut right up to the top of his forh
ead. He cut a big chunk off the back of his hair which now sticks straight up! His teacher was so appauled she called Tim at home because she thought he might have done it at school. Are you getting a picture in your head of how
it looks? This Wacky Hair Day hair cut... we will live with for weeks. For reasons totally unknown, he cut a hunk out of his eye brow as well. I'd take a picture- but it's hard to look at it...let alone take a picture . I know this too shall pass. Right???

Oh my gosh, Kelley, I'm dying of laughter over here. You MUST post a picture of his handiwork...when you can see the humor of it all. Heck, hair grows back, right? And at least it's not right before school pictures or something.
Well, that'll teach Forsst Hills Schools to have a "Wacky Hair Day."
At least I'm not alone. I have Terrible 2s, you have Terrible 10s. :-)
Love and miss you.
Maybe this weekend I will be able to bring myself to take a picture!
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