What is Web 2.0
Title: Web 2.0 … The Machine Is Us/ing Us
By: Michael Wesch
We have evolved. we can now do so much...Right in the browser we can create and prints cards, labels, letters, photos, slideshows, stories and even cartoons. There are sites to make slide shows, blogs, wiki's, and even interactive on screen white boards. Opensource or free software has exploded. Right now I am teaching mysaelf how to program in flash and in Stagecasater. My students are programing in XTML, Java, ALice, Scratch and LOGO.I now have 3 free C.A.D. programs and my kiddos are drawing in 3 D. All free...and so exciting...I no longer have to have my lessons or imagination bound by what I can afford to purchase for 30 plus workstations. Okay... you can now say obsessed. Meanwhile on the home front the trees in Oliver Woods are...awesome!
Timmy had a part in the School Musical in which he of course shinned. He was an astrounaut for Halloween and is carrying around a pillowcase full of candy. Kaylee and her college buddies took part in a sit in at GVSC in the "Free Speak" area to protest against a Cult that was there to recruit. KayLee held a sign that said: "Jesus loves people of all religions. " Tim is still job hunting and helping out at creating the school phone directory.
Yesterday it was a warm 60 degrees. Hard to believe such warm weather here in Michigan, My impatients are still blooming, and I actually cut the grass yesterday. I know all good things have to come to an end and snow is on the way-but for now-we've had a wonderfully warm fall. Bragging right..A few pictures of the projects my students have done...
Clay Animation
CAD Designs with the models we built
Digital Photo Projects 7th
Good to see you have surfaced again. Sounds like you've been quite busy mastering the internet. I still just use the computer as a fancy typewriter. All is well here. Had a nice Halloween (see Liz's blog). Hope all is well there.
We are on a personal level hanging in there..Still living in that time of transition and praying that well... Tim will land a new job. Nothing like taking a 65,000 dollar a year pay cut to keep you humble. We are grateful I had managed to tuck away 6 months of house payments... We are on month 5.
Last night he actually applied for a job in the Citgo gas staion-mimunm wage-I had to leave the room so he could not see me cry.
He is such a decent and honest man..I now HATE Oil companies...this may indeed change his political party from Republican to the....
But Uof M did WIN!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my goodness....FINALLY a new post from our favorite Cascade Township family. I'm so glad you guys are alive and well (as well as can be expected under the circumstances, I know, but you are all hanging in there together, and that's what matters). I'm sure it seems a tired phrase that "something will come up," when nothing good seems to be coming up. We keep you in our thoughts and prayers. To cheer you, Katie did say yesterday, "I want to go see Mr. Tim. Can we go there?" I told her, yes, we could go there. I'll be coming to Michigan with her in January and, rest assured, we will be spending some time with the Deboers. We love you guys!!!
Kelly & Tim,
Bad news on Rex. See Lisa's blog. Too sad so I can't call.
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