You guessed it- I whipped up mashed potatoes, my sweet potatoes with the little marshmallows (Which apparently is the ONLY way to make them), stuffing from the pan droppings, microwave sausage and a box of stovetop-and they all ate again. So at 8:00 at night we had our little family thanksgiving. We read the email from Jamie-who bought a dog-and gave thanks for being able to pay all the bills this month, for wonderful children, and for my employer who provides the funds which we are stretching. Sitting there with my little family I realized we all love each other -no matter what! The Loews (Soens), Manning's, Dunnings, Haley's, Tobin's and Hallorans would be proud. All that they taught me growing up was realized in that second thanksgiving. My children, my husband missed not the food -but all the little preparations and love I put into the traditional meal. They asked and I retold again the stories of Grandma's plum pudding. Of making little tarts with the left over dough, and baking down the pumpkin shell and grandma adding Cinnamon and sweet potatoes to turn it orange. In a way those that have gone before are with us as we retell their stories.
I have to admit I enjoyed Thanksgiving times 2. The children had an opportunity early in the day to get to know their cousins, and later to be together as we normally are. And yep the left- overs did make Turkey soup with dumplings!
Is it Christmas yet? This year I have Tim's family on Dec 1st. No band this year-but we already have the living tree up. I heard St. Nickhas plenty of cool stuff at the dollar as well:) So what if the gifts are a plenty- my husband and children are all the gift I need.
The themem for this years Living romm tree-HOPE
Thanksgiving is always better the second time around (even if it happens to be on the same night), because then you can dine with the folks you really, really call your own.
Hope! I think that's perfect for the livingroom tree. Please make sure to post or send pictures of the tree....or, better yet, the Deboers, because you guys ARE "hope."
We love and miss you.
Christmas Party updates....pleeeeaaassse!!!
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