Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving times 2?

This thanksgiving we were invited over to Tim's mother's house. The meal was a wonderful pork roast, stuffing, salad, asparagus and sweet potatoes. I baked my famous chocolate pecan pie and Tim favorite Apple pie. When I left I popped our Turkey in the oven thinking that on the "morrow" I would have Turkey and dumplings.

Kids and well husbands being what they are- returned to the house and declared that Thanksgiving required Turkey. I think the scent from the oven got t them! Since we had eaten there around 4:00 and it was now 7:00. I got busy and prepared ROUND 2.

You guessed it- I whipped up mashed potatoes, my sweet potatoes with the little marshmallows (Which apparently is the ONLY way to make them), stuffing from the pan droppings, microwave sausage and a box of stovetop-and they all ate again. So at 8:00 at night we had our little family thanksgiving. We read the email from Jamie-who bought a dog-and gave thanks for being able to pay all the bills this month, for wonderful children, and for my employer who provides the funds which we are stretching. Sitting there with my little family I realized we all love each other -no matter what! The Loews (Soens), Manning's, Dunnings, Haley's, Tobin's and Hallorans would be proud. All that they taught me growing up was realized in that second thanksgiving. My children, my husband missed not the food -but all the little preparations and love I put into the traditional meal. They asked and I retold again the stories of Grandma's plum pudding. Of making little tarts with the left over dough, and baking down the pumpkin shell and grandma adding Cinnamon and sweet potatoes to turn it orange. In a way those that have gone before are with us as we retell their stories.

I have to admit I enjoyed Thanksgiving times 2. The children had an opportunity early in the day to get to know their cousins, and later to be together as we normally are. And yep the left- overs did make Turkey soup with dumplings!

Is it Christmas yet? This year I have Tim's family on Dec 1st. No band this year-but we already have the living tree up. I heard St. Nickhas plenty of cool stuff at the dollar as well:) So what if the gifts are a plenty- my husband and children are all the gift I need.

The themem for this years Living romm tree-HOPE

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

November and Murphy's Law

November crept upon me. I didn't notice it's arrival because the temperatures were in the 60's and the trees were still holding fast to their trees. As summer changed into fall I was so certain that life would improve. I told myself all those things we've been taught: "Things will get better", "Tim will get a another job any day now", "Don't worry of course he will get him unemployment how can they say they fired him when they laid him off and even hired a placement firm for him". Just when you talk yourself into believing things couldn't get worse- they do. Even though the MESC avaocate thought Tim would get his unemployment-they ruled against him..So The unemployment he collected in June July and August- we have to pay back--somehow! My new school assignment is 32 miles away and it costs me 50.00 per week in gas just to get to work!

November also brings the end of the first instructional quarter which means assigning grades to 515 students,parent teacher conferences for 3 schools on 4 evenings, Timmy's 10 birthday on the 6th, KayLee birthday on the 16th, one aunt and two neices to send birthday cards to. Wrap that in with no unemployment for Tim, the death of Tim's best friend Kevin, and heart surgury for Aunt Klio, and I'll bet you can understand the way to describe how I am feeling is- worn down. I feel like that sound you hear when a child is sturpping from the straw sucking up the last bit of liquid from the bottom of the glass. The glass is empty yet the sucking continues and the noise sends a resounding chill that reaches right down into your soul. Do I even dare to hope things will get better or does that act alone somehow invite more trouble to follow???

So for now I paint on my teacher smile at work and my Mommy smile at home all the while wishing I could see a bit of light--of hope--of any promise of better days ahead. I wonder if my shoulders are strong enough to carry this burden of somehow supporting this family, this house, this husband. Have you ever felt so broken you have no strenght left to even pray? My Aunt called last week to ask me how I was doing-I guess the best answer I can give is Functioning!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Web 2.0

What is Web 2.0

Title: Web 2.0 … The Machine Is Us/ing Us

By: Michael Wesch


We have evolved. we can now do so much...Right in the browser we can create and prints cards, labels, letters, photos, slideshows, stories and even cartoons. There are sites to make slide shows, blogs, wiki's, and even interactive on screen white boards. Opensource or free software has exploded. Right now I am teaching mysaelf how to program in flash and in Stagecasater. My students are programing in XTML, Java, ALice, Scratch and LOGO.I now have 3 free C.A.D. programs and my kiddos are drawing in 3 D. All free...and so exciting...I no longer have to have my lessons or imagination bound by what I can afford to purchase for 30 plus workstations. Okay... you can now say obsessed. Meanwhile on the home front the trees in Oliver Woods are...awesome! Timmy had a part in the School Musical in which he of course shinned. He was an astrounaut for Halloween and is carrying around a pillowcase full of candy. Kaylee and her college buddies took part in a sit in at GVSC in the "Free Speak" area to protest against a Cult that was there to recruit. KayLee held a sign that said: "Jesus loves people of all religions. " Tim is still job hunting and helping out at creating the school phone directory.Yesterday it was a warm 60 degrees. Hard to believe such warm weather here in Michigan, My impatients are still blooming, and I actually cut the grass yesterday. I know all good things have to come to an end and snow is on the way-but for now-we've had a wonderfully warm fall. Bragging right..A few pictures of the projects my students have done...
Clay Animation


CAD Designs with the models we built

Programming in ALICE

Digital Photo Projects 7th