One of the surest signs of spring is the large pile of woodchips that gets delivered in my drive. The yearly ritual or should I say battle, of controling the pine needles has once again begun. While most people are planting pansies and begonias I am busy replanting my backyard lawn-just like I do every spring. First you rake off moss and pine needles, then lime the soil, followed by planting the seeds and praying for sun. I still haven't found a patron saints of lawns yet! If we get too many cloudy days-well that moss just moves right back in, and you get to start all over again. Tending the gardens has become a challenge. Rake, rinse, repeat. Then down goes the lime-rinse, repeat. Next the Preen and Green, and finally the woodchips. The woodchips provide a barrier between the falling pine needles and the ground. So every night after work I use the snow shovel to lay down the last layer of chips to protect my newly sweetened soil. Yes, you heard right-snow shovel. You can fling lots more chips with a snow shovel ,than a regular shovel.
Neighbors pass by and shake their head in wonder as they watch my 2 week adventure in preparing the garden. I am sure I would get their award for the crazy neighbor. However I would like to point out that, these same neighbors will walk by in July and marvel at how nice the yard and gardens look-that is if I can keep the deer away from eatting half of it!
Least you should all think my work complete- every week I have to apply liquid fence to keep Bambi and friends at bay. They seem to think that my garden is their salad bar and delight in the amount of choices they are able to feast upon. When we first bought the house I remarked to my husband how cute the wandering deer were. Now they are enemy # 1 in the quest to have something that resembles a yard and garden. If only they would eat the pine needles!
Why do I bother you ask yourself? There is nothing quite like the feeling of seeing something grow in a place where other's said it couldn't be done. The scent of lilac's, the blanket of impatients...once established such a rare joy.
Happy Spring!!!!
Neighbors pass by and shake their head in wonder as they watch my 2 week adventure in preparing the garden. I am sure I would get their award for the crazy neighbor. However I would like to point out that, these same neighbors will walk by in July and marvel at how nice the yard and gardens look-that is if I can keep the deer away from eatting half of it!
Least you should all think my work complete- every week I have to apply liquid fence to keep Bambi and friends at bay. They seem to think that my garden is their salad bar and delight in the amount of choices they are able to feast upon. When we first bought the house I remarked to my husband how cute the wandering deer were. Now they are enemy # 1 in the quest to have something that resembles a yard and garden. If only they would eat the pine needles!
Why do I bother you ask yourself? There is nothing quite like the feeling of seeing something grow in a place where other's said it couldn't be done. The scent of lilac's, the blanket of impatients...once established such a rare joy.
Happy Spring!!!!
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