Is California another state or is it another Country?
I think of all those hours spent teaching him to make his own choices, make good decisions and become an independent, productive thinker, an individual not a follower. And wasn’t this the goal? Now I let him go to follow his own path-one I would never have choosen for him-an artist. I experienced conflicting feelings when I saw him loading those big green duffle bags, and endless boxes. Part of me was happy to see him spreading those wings, and another part knows that just because he isn't here, doesn't mean I won't stop worrying about him. When I look at him I see the little boy with blonde hair, blue eyes and the remember theway he squeezed my hand. That was when I teared up a little. Next I opened his closet door and located 6, yep count them 6 of my towels. The image of him in the present day can flooding back into my mind and made saying goodbye a bit easier. And so I bid him goodbye, and look forward to seeing him again as a guest. Here's hoping he does well in San Francisco. Along with all those boxes he takes with him the love of his family, and a cell phone to call home with. Tomorrow Timmy and I will set the clocks downstairs to show Michigan time on one and California time on another. Yesterday there were five us and today---only four. Letting go-isn't this what we are suppossed to do? Then why do I miss him so much?
1 comment:
Our feelings are mixed hearing that Jamie has chosen to return to California. We are going to miss him. We wish him all the best as he seeks his place in life. We are grateful for the time we had reaquainting ourselves with him when we vacationed last summer and spent several of the holidays together. We are really glad our kids got to know their cousin. He's a neat person that will be missed. We love you Jamie.
A/Terri, U/Randy, Jacob, & Brianna
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