Monday, December 31, 2007


Here I am on New Years Eve typing on my Blog Site. OMG I have no life! Dearest Hubby ( okay I know you are hearing the sarcaism beyond the title) is bringing in the New Year AGAIN this year at WYCE from 9:00-midnight. Which leaves me where you ask??????? Right here typing on my keyboard.

So for now I am not going to look back and note all the positive events of the last year-'cause right now I am hard pressed to think of any! Being alone on New Years Eve does not tend to leave a person in the happiest of moods. I spent several days of my vacation and more hours than I care to recall helping folks fix their computer, setting up neighbors homework assignments, and watching another neighbor's dog for 10 days. Those said neighbors are all out tonight at parties! There is something WRONG with this picture-Wrong I Say!!
I totally forgot to have any fun this vacation!

So my New Years Resolution is Less Free Tech. Support- unless bribed by a nice bottle of wine or Diet Coke.

Okay enough ranting- Tomorrow is the New Year so I will leave all my grumbling back here in the old one...or at least I will try

Friday, December 28, 2007

362 Days to go!

This morning coming down the stairs I discovered the count down to "Christmas Santa" had a new block added to it. Timmy "borrowed" A die from one of his games and added it to the counter-so it now reads 362 days to go! What can I say we Love Christmas here! I have agreed to leave the Santa counter up even after January 1st when we take down the Christmas decorations, Known as the De Christmasing Party! Now normall I leave all the decorations up until Epiphany but I am back to work next week Thursday the 3rd -so I will need to use the time I have.
What is a De-Christmasing Party you ask??? Every year I do 2 themed Christmas trees. When it is De-Christmasing time the children take turns choosing the themed ornaments to add to their Christmas boxes. Now you can imagine Jamie and KayLee have enough ornaments after 20 plus years to fully decorate their own full sized tree- however Timmy is still excited and growing his collection. During the De-Christmasing Party we also make a final decision on our themes for the following year. So far the basement tree theme that is winning is a "tool" theme, and the upstairs Theme is between Peace and Star Light Star bright. Jamie will have to email in his vote as he is still in California.
It is the fourth day of Christmas here and the snow is falling again! The Twelve Days of Christmas is probably the most misunderstood part of the church year . Contrary to much popular belief, these are not the twelve days before Christmas, but in most of the Western Church are the twelve days from Christmas until the beginning of Epiphany (January 6th; the 12 days count from December 25th until January 5th). Epiphany is usually celebrated as the time the Wise Men or Magi arrived to present gifts to the young Jesus (Matt. 2:1-12). Traditionally there were three Magi, probably from the fact of three gifts, even though the biblical narrative never says how many Magi came.
On the 1st day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
A Partridge in a Pear Tree

The partridge in a pear tree is Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, whose birthday we celebrate on December 25, the first day of Christmas.

On the 2nd day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
Two Turtle DovesThe Old and New Testaments, which together bear witness to God's self-revelation in history and the creation of a people to tell the Story of God to the world.

On the 3rd day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
Three French HensThe Three Theological Virtues: 1) Faith, 2) Hope, and 3) Love (1 Corinthians 13:13)

On the 4th day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
Four Calling BirdsThe Four Gospels: 1) Matthew, 2) Mark, 3) Luke, and 4) John,

On the 5th day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
Five Gold RingsThe first Five Books of the Old Testament, known as the Torah or the Pentateuch: 1) Genesis, 2) Exodus, 3) Leviticus, 4) Numbers, and 5) Deuteronomy

On the 6th day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
Six Geese A-layingThe six days of creation that confesses God as Creator and Sustainer of the world (Genesis 1).

On the 7th day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
Seven Swans A-swimmingThe seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: 1) prophecy, 2) ministry, 3) teaching, 4) exhortation, 5) giving, 6) leading, and 7) compassion

On the 8th day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
Eight Maids A-milkingThe eight Beatitudes: 1) Blessed are the poor in spirit, 2) those who mourn, 3) the meek, 4) those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, 5) the merciful, 6) the pure in heart, 7) the peacemakers, 8) those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake.

On the 9th day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
Nine Ladies DancingThe nine Fruit of the Holy Spirit: 1) love, 2) joy, 3) peace, 4) patience, 5) kindness,6) generosity, 7) faithfulness, 8) gentleness, and 9) self-control.

On the 10th day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
Ten Lords A-leapingThe ten commandments: 1) You shall have no other gods before me; 2) Do not make an idol; 3) Do not take God's name in vain; 4) Remember the Sabbath Day; 5) Honor your father and mother; 6) Do not murder; 7) Do not commit adultery; 8) Do not steal; 9) Do not bear false witness; 10) Do not covet.

On the 11th day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
Eleven Pipers PipingThe eleven Faithful Apostles: 1) Simon Peter, 2) Andrew, 3) James, 4) John, 5) Philip, 6) Bartholomew, 7) Matthew, 8) Thomas, 9) James bar Alphaeus, 10) Simon the Zealot, 11) Judas bar James.

On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
Twelve Drummers DrummingThe twelve points of doctrine in the Apostles' Creed: 1) I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. 2) I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. 3) He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. 4) He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell [the grave]. 5) On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. 6) He will come again to judge the living and the dead. 7) I believe in the Holy Spirit, 8) the holy catholic Church, 9) the communion of saints, 10) the forgiveness of sins, 11) the resurrection of the body, 12) and life everlasting.
Epiphany, January 6

So enjoys these days of Christmas- Reread the Christmas Cards- look at the pictures- remember the magic and keep in alive in your heart for at least another 8 days.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas 07

Twas the Night before Christmas

And at our little place
the computer had on NORAd to track santa's chase!

After a story Timmy was off to bed-
where he listened for the sound of bells in his head.

Up and down the stairs almost all night
It's amazing he didn't give santa a fright

But somehow Santa managed to make it this year
with the help from elf Tom and Karen to bring in the cheer

Around 4:30 in the Am I will tell
"Santa came !" was said with an excited yell!

The sound of tearing paper and ooh's and ahh's
made this Christmas special after all!

After a call from our oldest son Jamie we are blessed to remember the meaning this year- of family and friends who hold us so dear.

So this holiday we learned Christmas is more than a gift
It's the feeling of magic that gave us a lift.

We are hopeful 2008 will be something great!

KayLee shows off her gift

Tim made a granite chess set for the kids

It was a white Christmas here for sure

Hudson's/De La Rosa's house

Timmy shows off his bionicle from Tom

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Count down to Christmas

Timmy is excited it's fair to say
He is counting down to that special day

He's done extra chores just to make sure
that the guy dressed in red, stops by here this year

He's pulled out of the cupboard a special cup and plate
To leave a snack for the man on his special date

He's bookmark NORAD on his computer's list
So he can track Santa and won't be missed

He checked the fireplace and opened the flu
Made sure the opening was big enough for him to get through

He research the very nature of space
Decided Santa folds it in order to race

He's looked at the stars and planet from above
His belief is founded on pure simple love

So if you see him be sure to say
Santa will soon be by on his way

To visit a boy who lives in the wood
who always tries to be very good

Thank you dear Lord for the gift of your son, who shows us the way our lives should be run. So as we pinch our pennies and budget this year, we are not sad but instead full of cheer. For the good Lord has blessed us with family and friends, and those are the true gifts of love without end.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's Beginning to Look A lot Like Christmas

Some of the white stuff fell last night- okay-a lot of the white stuff fell last night.

Our neighborhood here in Oliver Woods looks like a Christmas Card. The trees have a blanket of white snow resting on their branches, and the Christmas lights are all twinkling. While Tim was at the radio station yesterday and today Timmy and I watched the Polar Express and my all time favorite movie -Prancer! We had hot cocoa with little marshmellows and we laughed until we cried watching Victor tunnel through the snow. That crazy dog loves the snow!
On the other side of the coin is my better half who reminds me that SNOW IS a 4 letter word. He often remarks that the white stuff is cold, and icy and nasty. I don't think I will ever get him to admit how much fun he has playing with the snow blower, or even snuggling on the sofa. He keeps telling me that 1/2 of the fifty states are NOT as cold as here!
I must admit to actually liking the snow! I love the chill on my breath, and laughter of children as they build snowforts and snowmen, and being able to snuggle up in a warm blankey and watch old movies. Even the deer runing through the nighborhood seem to be in their element, and since my plants lay under a cool white blanket I can even allow myself to enjoy the deer.
Just 9 more days until Santa comes- This year it looks like their should be plenty of snow to land the sleigh on..

Friday, December 14, 2007


My mother was one of 7 children and my father one of 5. Both grandparents had more grandchildren that most people would care to count. I recall all of us trying to figure out who was the "favorite". Growing up I remember being close to a certain Uncle and Aunt. I made the mistake one time of saying to my Uncle that he was my favorite. This was dealt with with a smile and a bit of a lecture. I remember him sitting beside and telling me he loved me very much and he was going to tell me something very important! He told me that when he was little he had asked his mother the same question and he was now going to tell me what my grandmother had said.

She told him that ,"God gave each of us an endless capacity to love, and to say one child was more special than any other would be like saying your feet were more important than your hands. That a mother loves all of her children in different ways- that to have a favorite would not only be unfair to the rest of the children but it would unfair to the one who was the "favorite" as well. " By making one person "the favorite" you were somehow saying the rest were somehow less. No one person should ever be raised to feel they were better than anyone else. And in that moment I did feel loved by my uncle -because I knew he cared-not just about me -but about the person I would become. In our family he said We Do NOT Have Favorites-we are a family which means everyone of us counts.

Just recently I have had time to think about what being a "favorite" means. I have had children ask me if they were my favorite class, my favorite school ect. So my grandmothers words through my uncle have taken on a deeper meaning. I have replied to those statements in kind. "I have been privileged to teach so many children and to say one was a favorite would say that the others were somehow less-and I could never do that! I will tell you that I enjoy your class and you do hold a special place in my heart- but asking me to pick a favorite would be like asking me if my hands were more important than my feet." What they were really asking was , "Are we important?" And of course they are-each and every one of them.

My Darling husband has always insisted that each of our children have the same number of gifts and the same amount of money spent on each child within five dollars. He wants them to know they are all equally loved. You can imagine with the age span between my children how this has been no small task. But just the other day I understood why he had instilled this practice. I listened to my daughter explain to her friend that having favorites was just not fair and that her parents had always made sure everything was equal!

The burden that is placed on the "Favorite classroom or child" cannot be dismissed. Parents and teachers who have favorites are kidding themselves if they think the rest of the children don't know who the favorite is. This breeds resentment-the rest of the children end up hating the "favorite" children ,and the "favorite" child is torn between basking in the adult adoration and being judged harshly by their peers. We have all seen this in family where there is a favorite child or grandchild. The child themelves might be quite delightful-but the special treatment they receive-sets them apart from the rest of the group. "Favorite" children grow up with entitlement issues, and their peers, or siblings often delight when the "favorite" falls from favor. So having favorites is not only unfair to the children not chosen, but also to the child "labeled" as the favorite.

If you only ever ate your "favorite" ice cream you would miss experiencing the sensory delights in so many other flavors. If you favor one child over another you are missing some incredible experiences you might have had with one of the others.

I realize life is not fair, and that it is impossible to always do and treat everyone the same. I do know that our example in Christ shows us that he loves all of us. So in our family-no favorites-love enough to go around for all!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Cookies, Cookies, Cookies

By: Timmy

My mom loves to bake cookies and my dad and I love to eat them. Mom dumps flours eggs and oil into a bowl and we all get to stir. We roll up little balls of the dough and put them on a giant sheet . The sheet is put in the oven and the cookies bake. You can smell them from all over the house even in the basement!
The best time to eat cookies is right after they come out of the oven-they are hot and tasty!. The extra cookies get put in the cookie jar. You can eat them later with a big glass of milk. I like to dunk my cookies in the milk. My mom thinks that is gross but my dad dies it too.
During Christmas time my mom bakes lots of cookies. We have chocolate cookies, sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies and even brownies. One of the best parts of Christmas is all the cookies! My favorite cookie is Chocolate chip =that is a really popular one.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Snow Day Snow Day Snow Day

There is a special thrill like no other thrill that can be described . ..when you see the name of the school you work at...scroll across the bottom of the T.V. ...with the word CLOSED after it! It's like getting an extra Saturday. Now all of you who work in offices are groaning and I bet you are thinking that I get to roll over and go back to sleep. However sleep on the day that has been given as a gift-no way!

First there is the "Snow Day...Snow Day...Snow Day" dance that takes place on the landing in the upstairs as Timmy and I celebrate. If you close you eyes I swear you can almost hear the similar cries from children all across the area. All the excitement of course leaves one wide awake. Now I actually have the time to make a warm breakfast, like eggs and bacon. Life slows down..the minutes do not rush by ..they instead pass at a leisurely pace. As I write this it is 11:23 and I am still in my Jammie's. This day, this gift of time should be savored, appreciated, and revealed in.

I could do laundry-but I won't.
I could clean-okay I did a little.

The possiblities are endless.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Ho Ho Ho

Do you recognize that man in the red suit?? Look closely!!! Come on guess???????????

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Enough Recalls Already!

So today I heard of another toy recall- and I said to myself--okay self -everyone says you have to buy stuff made over seas, because we don't make anything over here any more. Then I reminded myself that I am not a person who easily believes others so.... I looked and guess what I found???????????????????
A list of toys made in the USA: • Battleship• Bicycle Playing Cards• Boggle Jr.• Candyland
• Chutes and Ladders• Clue• Connect Four• Crayola Crayons *• Life• Louisville Slugger
• Monopoly• Mouse Trap• Operation• Parcheesi• Play-Doh *• Pop-O-Matic Trouble
• Radio Flyer Discovery Wagon- so glad to hear this one-it's so American
• Scrabble• Sorry• Stratego• Tri-ominos• Trivial Pursuit• Yahtzee
• Melissa and Doug U.S.A. Floor Puzzle (Most puzzles are made in the USA!)
* Note: Not all packages of Crayola Crayons and Play-Doh are made in the USA -- please check the label.

WOW_ We do actually still make stuff here- This what I found online:

Buying it also means you are employing American Workers who are the wheel that drives the economy. Guess what the next surprise was??? Things made here are not all that more expensive than the junk we import-plus everything made here has to comply to product safety regulations! So I am sharing my web sites with everyone I can think of...No lead paint used products made in America. And we are supporting our own businesses.

For more information on how to buy American, visit:

Guess I am in a patrotic mood!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Pray for Peace...and remember

This is indeed the season we all pray for peace-let's not forget it comes at a price! My third greatgrandfather served in the civil War two of my great grandfathers served in the Great War WWI, My aunt was a WAVE, my Uncle served in the army, my father-in-law served on the Navy,cousins served during Vietname, and my husband served in the navy as well. This past month one of my daughters friends came back from "OVER THERE"-but not everyone in her company was so lucky!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Let it Snow

Somehow the word busy just doesn't seem to do justice to describe the last 4 weeks. First I graded 505 report cards for two schools. I had two weeks of late night conferences 5 nights in all, next came Timmy's birthday on the 6th and then Kaylee's on the 16th. All of this was followed by Thanksgiving. The day after Thanksgiving the decorating began. The downstairs tree was decorated in the Theme of the Ginderbread man, and the upstairs tree all white to represent "Hope". Garland was drapped in the doorways, the porch decked in garland, Santa sitting on the porch, a decorated slide and two hand painted panels handing from the brick. When all was said and done the house boasted 2 manger scenes 6 christmas trees, a mantle full of collector Santa, and I THINK A TOTAL of 5 wreathes.

Not to be outdone Tim had his inflatable Santa and trees on display along with lights on both stories of the house.

Here is a quick look at the Cousins Christmas we held this past Saturday. I cooked 2 turkey's an 18 pounder and a 12 pounder, a pecan pie, a giant plate of cookies,and sweet potaotes with marshmellows on the top. Everyone who attended brought along food as well, so is was a feast for sure. The children decorated cookies and cracker houses and this year each made a gift for an aunt , uncle, or grandparent. The gifts were so percious.

The highlight of the evening for me was seeing Tim dressed as Santa handing out ornaments to the children. The laughter in the house made the hours and hours of cleaning before and after worth it.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving times 2?

This thanksgiving we were invited over to Tim's mother's house. The meal was a wonderful pork roast, stuffing, salad, asparagus and sweet potatoes. I baked my famous chocolate pecan pie and Tim favorite Apple pie. When I left I popped our Turkey in the oven thinking that on the "morrow" I would have Turkey and dumplings.

Kids and well husbands being what they are- returned to the house and declared that Thanksgiving required Turkey. I think the scent from the oven got t them! Since we had eaten there around 4:00 and it was now 7:00. I got busy and prepared ROUND 2.

You guessed it- I whipped up mashed potatoes, my sweet potatoes with the little marshmallows (Which apparently is the ONLY way to make them), stuffing from the pan droppings, microwave sausage and a box of stovetop-and they all ate again. So at 8:00 at night we had our little family thanksgiving. We read the email from Jamie-who bought a dog-and gave thanks for being able to pay all the bills this month, for wonderful children, and for my employer who provides the funds which we are stretching. Sitting there with my little family I realized we all love each other -no matter what! The Loews (Soens), Manning's, Dunnings, Haley's, Tobin's and Hallorans would be proud. All that they taught me growing up was realized in that second thanksgiving. My children, my husband missed not the food -but all the little preparations and love I put into the traditional meal. They asked and I retold again the stories of Grandma's plum pudding. Of making little tarts with the left over dough, and baking down the pumpkin shell and grandma adding Cinnamon and sweet potatoes to turn it orange. In a way those that have gone before are with us as we retell their stories.

I have to admit I enjoyed Thanksgiving times 2. The children had an opportunity early in the day to get to know their cousins, and later to be together as we normally are. And yep the left- overs did make Turkey soup with dumplings!

Is it Christmas yet? This year I have Tim's family on Dec 1st. No band this year-but we already have the living tree up. I heard St. Nickhas plenty of cool stuff at the dollar as well:) So what if the gifts are a plenty- my husband and children are all the gift I need.

The themem for this years Living romm tree-HOPE

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

November and Murphy's Law

November crept upon me. I didn't notice it's arrival because the temperatures were in the 60's and the trees were still holding fast to their trees. As summer changed into fall I was so certain that life would improve. I told myself all those things we've been taught: "Things will get better", "Tim will get a another job any day now", "Don't worry of course he will get him unemployment how can they say they fired him when they laid him off and even hired a placement firm for him". Just when you talk yourself into believing things couldn't get worse- they do. Even though the MESC avaocate thought Tim would get his unemployment-they ruled against him..So The unemployment he collected in June July and August- we have to pay back--somehow! My new school assignment is 32 miles away and it costs me 50.00 per week in gas just to get to work!

November also brings the end of the first instructional quarter which means assigning grades to 515 students,parent teacher conferences for 3 schools on 4 evenings, Timmy's 10 birthday on the 6th, KayLee birthday on the 16th, one aunt and two neices to send birthday cards to. Wrap that in with no unemployment for Tim, the death of Tim's best friend Kevin, and heart surgury for Aunt Klio, and I'll bet you can understand the way to describe how I am feeling is- worn down. I feel like that sound you hear when a child is sturpping from the straw sucking up the last bit of liquid from the bottom of the glass. The glass is empty yet the sucking continues and the noise sends a resounding chill that reaches right down into your soul. Do I even dare to hope things will get better or does that act alone somehow invite more trouble to follow???

So for now I paint on my teacher smile at work and my Mommy smile at home all the while wishing I could see a bit of light--of hope--of any promise of better days ahead. I wonder if my shoulders are strong enough to carry this burden of somehow supporting this family, this house, this husband. Have you ever felt so broken you have no strenght left to even pray? My Aunt called last week to ask me how I was doing-I guess the best answer I can give is Functioning!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Web 2.0

What is Web 2.0

Title: Web 2.0 … The Machine Is Us/ing Us

By: Michael Wesch


We have evolved. we can now do so much...Right in the browser we can create and prints cards, labels, letters, photos, slideshows, stories and even cartoons. There are sites to make slide shows, blogs, wiki's, and even interactive on screen white boards. Opensource or free software has exploded. Right now I am teaching mysaelf how to program in flash and in Stagecasater. My students are programing in XTML, Java, ALice, Scratch and LOGO.I now have 3 free C.A.D. programs and my kiddos are drawing in 3 D. All free...and so exciting...I no longer have to have my lessons or imagination bound by what I can afford to purchase for 30 plus workstations. Okay... you can now say obsessed. Meanwhile on the home front the trees in Oliver Woods are...awesome! Timmy had a part in the School Musical in which he of course shinned. He was an astrounaut for Halloween and is carrying around a pillowcase full of candy. Kaylee and her college buddies took part in a sit in at GVSC in the "Free Speak" area to protest against a Cult that was there to recruit. KayLee held a sign that said: "Jesus loves people of all religions. " Tim is still job hunting and helping out at creating the school phone directory.Yesterday it was a warm 60 degrees. Hard to believe such warm weather here in Michigan, My impatients are still blooming, and I actually cut the grass yesterday. I know all good things have to come to an end and snow is on the way-but for now-we've had a wonderfully warm fall. Bragging right..A few pictures of the projects my students have done...
Clay Animation


CAD Designs with the models we built

Programming in ALICE

Digital Photo Projects 7th

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Less Work and More Play I Say

Getting home tonight before dark I actually had a chance to slow down and notice a few things. First of all the trees lining the street from Ada to my Cascade home are changing the most wonderful shades of yellow, orange and red. With temperatures in the 70's asnd 80's it makes for some beautiful scenery...or as my husband would say welcome to the woods of Michigan. Just taking a little tour on Google Earth you can't help but be struck by how much unspoiled woodlands we still have. Surrounded by the Greatest of Great Lakes you can't help but wonder why everyone doesn't want to live here....okay I'll admit the snow that follows can be a bit of downer!!!! But for right now Michigan is bursting into bloom again. Autumn the season where every leaf is a promise, where our tree lined streets look like rainbows, and where a walk during the evening hours brings a sense of peace. Tomorrow is the harvest moon and I reflect upon my grandparents and greatgrandparents who farmed this area, and settled here from lands so far away. So for right now I'll take a little break from budgets, worry over employment status, and thank God for the Autumn-GOD'S last kiss before we are covered with a blanket of white.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Back in Teaching Mode!

It has been an entire week since I have blogged anything. So now it's time to admit that I have spent my very limited free time creating my classroom WIKI page, sprinkle in two evening school open houses and I bet you can guess how the inside of my house looks? So this morning with every intention of restoring order...I instead watched Timmy play his first soccer game. After all ,the dirt and mess will still be there and he is only 9 once! Returning from soccer I actually thought about grocery shopping and cleaning...but instead arranged a playdate for Tim.

This evening we have a boy scout outing at AJ Fun Park so perhaps tomorrow a bit of order can be restored. Since it is only 60 degrees and I am NOT swimming , cleaning should be moving up on the priority list... but somehow it seems to not be an inspiring endeavor.

I have enjoyed all the email comments about the blog and if you want , you can actually click right below it and leave a comment. Yep, Jamie I am talking to you. How about a message from Chocolate fornia????

Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Good , the Bad and the Ugly...

So you are wondering how my first week back in the classroom went? From the title you would be correct in assuming it was a less than perfect beginning.

Let's start on a positive note. My assignment gives me 4 full days at school on the north west side of town. The room is large , spacious, and air conditioned :) They have also purchased brand new computers with lots of memory. Sounds wonderful right??? Well if something sounds to good to be true it usually is. My wonderful brand new computers did not have any software installed on them, and are not hooked up to the network printers. So I had my first day of instruction learning how to be creative with MS Paint program. The children there are delightful with the notable exception of just one class of older students, who seem to take challenging, disrespecting, and rude behavior towards the new teacher as "Sport". With 27 of them and one of me I am of course going to work hard to get them under control and to do simple things like, raising their hand and waiting to be called on, as well as NOT talking over the top of me while I am giving directions. Of course actually being able to print out written assignments would be a real help! To solve my software issues I have been staying after work until 7:30-8:00 each night installing software to all 30 work stations., because of course none of the workstations show the network drive so I can't just install to the network. So far the computers have Kid Pix, Google sketch up, Alice, and WestPoint Bridge design. I also have to install those little "plug-in" programs we all take for know Windows Media Player, Shockwave, Adobe Acrobat reader, Real Player and a few dozen others I won't bore you with.

Friday I returned to my long time favorite school located in Kentwood. This is my fourth year there and the kids are like family. I know the parents, and the staff are some of the most dedicated teachers I have ever met. Sounds good doesn't it??? Here';s the bad... the computer lab is a little area partitioned off from the library. The room has no Air Conditioning and as you know the cooling fans on the computer produce heat. So picture a really small hallway with no windows, no airflow, and 15 computers computers venting heat on a day that is 80 degrees outside with 75% humidity.( The picture above shows my little lab.) By the third class a computer dumped it's memory core and would not restart. By the fourth class two more bit the dust, and I had to have the kids turn off the systems. On my first day back at my favorite school I manage to kill three computer systems. So my last three class I end up taking the kids to the parish center reading stories and drawing pictures with them. Now the really ugly part ...they could not believe how hot it was-we had somehow managed to reach 98 degrees in the lab. If I would have realized we had gotten that hot I would have, of course, turned the systems off much sooner.
Kelley the computer killer...gee

So I bet you can guess...mowing the lawn today was therapy!

Monday, September 3, 2007

September is...

*butterflies in bloom.
*time to wake up at 6:15 and be out the door before 7:00.
*carmel apples all guey and chewy.
*leaves turning color and dancing in the sunlight.
*shorter hours of daylight with a longer list of things to get done.
*school buses filled with giggling children.
*the last and best sweet corn fresh from the farms.
*time to close the I the..gulp...pool????????
*soccer practice, playdates, open houses, PTO, and teacher phone calls.
*Saturdays at Ada park to tree watch.
*the marking of yet anther school year.
*counting the days until it is summer again!

Friday, August 31, 2007

She caught the bouquet!

That is our little girl as Maid of Honor for her best friend Shannon's wedding. The last wedding she was in, I was the one zipping her into her flower girl dress. On this occasion all the girls were off together getting hair and nails done. After an emergency trip to get pantie hose she was off and ready. Now here is she walking up to get ready to watch her friend ,(only 2 years older) make a promise that will last a lifetime. We marveled at how beautiful she looked and then felt our stomach's tighten and a cold chill of panic grip us when she caught the brides bouquet. The possibility of OUR LITTLE GIRL getting married???? I DON"T THINK SO!!!!!!!

Shannon gets ready to throw the bouquet!

With a Smile like that...what's not to love.

I am perfectly okay with always the bridesmaid...okay for now!

Monday, August 27, 2007

A Trip to Summerville

Did you know that it takes 12 lbs. of milk to make just one gallon of ice cream. I can't help but wonder how they fit it all in one carton? The good old U.S. A. enjoys an average of 48 pints of ice cream per person, per year, more than any other country. Maybe we should make ice cream the fifth food group!

Around here a trip to Sundae's at the Cottage or even the musical sounds of an ice cream truck can send one very contemplative 9 year old into an state of pure delight. Timmy loves Ice Cream! First he closely examines all the choices voicing the pros's and con's of each as the people who wait in line behind us suppress a couple of snickers. Next the choice is made and delivered to the individual behind the magic sliding window. At this point the anticipation of the creamy, smooth sweet delight is almost too hard to bare as he awaits the delivery of his chosen treat. His eyes seem to dance and his feet cannot be still as his body seems to be in a constant state of motion ,all the while he remains rooted in one place.
At last the window slides back and he is able to wrap his little hands around something totally lacking in any nutritional value, yet wonderful beyond words. The first bite is taken quickly , even before the rest of us order our own treats. After that ,to watch him you would know he savors every spoonful. To savor ice cream on a hot day .....and to be 9 years old. Can life get any better?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Back To School

Time for Grading Sheets and Spreadsheets

The three most dreaded words that any child could hear"Back to School"...and for a few moments before the faithful day I return to teaching ...they seem to hold the same sting for me. Don't get me wrong I love my job, enjoy the kids and still finding teaching a rewarding career in the intellectual sense if not the financial one. But..... in truth I shall miss:

...those mornings I could roll over and finish an especially good dream.
...floating in my shady pool just dipping my feet into the water every now and again to stay cool.
...reading entire chapters without interruption.
...catching fireflies with my Timmy.
...rowing down the Thornapple River and watching the deer swim.
...stopping a Sundae's at the Cottage for an icy.
...watching the garden butterflies and wondering about all the places they have been.
...sewing in the cool basement .
...making chalk drawings with my youngest.
...spraying my unsuspecting children with the garden hose on especially hot days.
...sitting outside and seeing the Whitecaps win.
...swimming in the pool with Miss Katie. coolers on the Patio with Cynda.
...dancing in the moonlite with the man I love.
...riding my bike down to the camel hump bridge.
Goodbye summer:)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Undiscovered Treasure

It amazes me how so much beauty and history can exist on an area surrounded by five great lakes. If you grow up in Michigan, visit here, and especially if you make your home here, you know how the lakes are a part of all of us. For most of my life trips to the beach meant a trip to Holland, Grand Haven, Ludington, Traverse City, or Muskegon. This year our family discovered a real jewel on the shores of Lake Michigan in the town of Montague. Whitehall and Montague are a couple of twin cities located just north of Muskegon, on White Lake which following the channel leads to lake Michigan.

What makes Montague so special? Half the tourists and twice the fun. Montague has a real live Soda Foundation at Lipka's Drug Store. The center of town features a working giant weather Vein, and following the road toward the beach you are treated by the view of an outstanding lighthouse, that you can see from the shores . The area boasts fresh water fishing, bed and breakfasts, and restaurents not part of national chains. Somehow the twin cities have managed to bring the past and present together in harmony. The general store has some of the best places to buy quilting fabric, and my favorite store in the area is called the Hokey Pokey.

I have neclosed their officl website in case anyone wants to see more of the area.

Aunt Klio and Aunt Jean get a soda at the Soda Fountain in Montague! I bet you wish you had come with us:)

Monday, August 13, 2007

Timmy's letter to his new teacher

Timmy has been taking lessons this summer to improve his writing skills. The following is his first attempt at an information letter. It was just so cute I had to share it.

Dear Mrs. Grimaldi,
My name is Timmy Deboer, I am 9 years old and was named after my father, grandfather and uncle. Also my favorite sport is soccer. No wonder I've played soccer for 4 years straight!

Soccer camp is what I went to this summer that made my day or week. Socceer camp proved that I'm ready for any game. Not only that but soccer camp lifted my spirits.Soccer camp showed me the true meeaning of will power.

I do not know how my summer was possibly bad! My summer was like a quest. My summer had no boring parts. I went to Rocket Camp, took swimming lessons and more! Not anything was the least bit bad.

Anyway I had the time of my life! Summer is the best season ever. Summer, soccer, satisfaction and swimming=best time ever.

What I did on my summer vacation:

Bible Camp Moosefeather Falls

Swimming lesons at Orchard Hills and riding the big WaterSlide

Mad Science Rocket Camp at Forest HIlls Northern Trails where he built his very own rockets! He experiment with different kinds of propulsion systems and used his new knowledge to blast off, track, and recover different kinds of rockets. He had a “Rockin” good time at Rockin’

Backyard Bugs Camp with Ms. Wendy at Ada Park!

Rockford Festival-hanging with my Sissy!

See posts below for the low down on soccer camp and our coaches!!!

Hey if you like hearing about our activities leave us a comment:)

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Goodbye Kyle and Jason

Our family was honored to have Jason Wallace and Kyle Madogn stay with us during the U.K. A.Y.S.O. Soccer Camp held at the very brown Cascade Soccer Fields. The boys taught camp in the morning from 8:30-12:30 , and then had to be back at camp from 4:30-8:30. They were tired boys. On Saturday they got a well deserved day off so we took them to the Celtic Festival in Rockford. There we enjoyed music Celtic arts and dinner at the famous Corner Bar.

After a hearty breakfast we bid the boys a fond farewell . Kyle is off to teach a camp in Farmington Hills, and Jason is off to Chicago the Windy City. We wish them both well and enjoyed having a bit of Europe stay with us for a week.

Timmy is now a real fan of Liverpool Soccer and the boys showed him how he can watch the games over the Internet.

I am taking a few days off from cooking duty as I have enough leftovers for a couple of days. Long live Scotland and England...and God Bless the USA

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Skills ans Thrills...definitely no chills

The boys from the U.K. found out that Michigan can be U.K. International Soccer camp was held at the Cascade Park, or rather Cascade brown fields this past week. Lack of rain this summer had dried the fields to a state that was not recognizable. High humidity, rain (that we had all prayed about) for 2 out of the 5 days and and temperatures in the 90's did not seem to dampen the fun of the 110 kids who attended. The coaches were all good mates to each other and more than a few little girls and Mom's were taken by their charming English and Scottish accents.

Coaches Jason and Kyle were our guest and we can tell you they worked very hard to make the camp fun for the kids. They were at the field around 8:00 each morning for a camp that started at 9:00. Came home around 12:30 ate lunch and took a quick nap because they had to depart again around 4:00 to teach the 5:00-8:00 skills camp. We waited dinner for them and enjoyed learning more about England and Ireland. On a couple of days the boys even managed a quick dip in the swimming pool.

Timmy thought having the coaches at his house was the best thing since french fries---wait I mean chips. He pronounced himself a real soccer player and is asking to play this fall. Maybe just maybe the boy has found something he is interested in doing.