Summer is here and I give it a big cheer. For 9 weeks I am a stay-at-Home Mom. It is a luxury I bask in. I have a bit of guilt that I could take a summer job and save some honest $$$-but then again so many of my fellow sisters do this full time job year round. It is good for me to slow down-spend some quality fa,ily time, and even have enough hours in the day to clean the house.
Staying home during the summer months also gives me a real appreciation for what full time stay-at-home moms deal with. My fellow working Moms are bit well- jealous of my weeks off. Sometimes I poitely remind them that they get several weeks off during the year-can leave work early to see their child's stuff at school-while I am frankly not able to partcipate in any of my own children's school activities becasue I am at another school. I have to admit as much as I love teaching-I love being a stay-at-home mom even better.
I love the possibilities that exist each day. When a day is not filled to the brim with lessons, reports, parent phone calls, meetings-you can actually hvae time to chew your food. I can take time to plant a flower read a book, and discuss deepl;y thought questions with my son. I get to enjoy the laughter of children without the responsibility of making sure they are all following some schiolk procedure. Swiming, biking, and reading a book-just for fun! Ahh summer.
Even as we struggle to discover the mystery of Tim's headache's I have the blessed gift of time. I can be there for him-for my family-what a gift. If you are able to be a stay-at-home mother-relish the gift. It is a blessing