Timmy had Friday off from school, something called "Autumn Break!" So I decided that if anyone really needed a break-it was me! So since I have more sick days saved up than I will ever possibly use, and since Timmy's doctor appointment was going to be only a short part of the day-it only made sense to take the entire day off. A small guilty pleasure reserved for us "Working Mom's" when we want to pretend every once in a while what it might be like to be home and have time with our kids that doesn't revolve around homework, lessons, laundry, cleaning, or cooking.
So after spending hours on step by step lesson plans for a sub in my computer lab, uploading lesson plans, map to my building, coding the absence, notifying all the powers that be (2 phone calls and an inernet login procedure) I was cleared to take my son to the doctor and enjoy the rest of the day off.
After sleeping in until 8:00 A.M. Timmy and I got the doctor appointment over and planned the day. Cartoons until 12:00 noon. Did you know they are still playing the same ones we watched as kids? Then Daddy Bear, Timmy Bear and Momma Bear all headed off to the Public Museum and planetarium. After a yummy lunch in the "Planetarium Cafe" we explored exhibites about Grand Rapids Furniture History, walked down the old fashion street representing Grand Rapids past, and enjoyed the planetarium show on constellations. Timmy even took a Carousel Ride since no friends his age were around to notice!

The best part of the day was the trip to Post Farms. This year we decided to try it out since it advertised a huge corn maze using the Olympic Rings. We have long been fans of Robinette's, so venturing off to a NEW Pumpkin Patch was an adventure indeed. I have to report that the place ROCKS. There were mini pony's and goats to feed. They also boast a pumpkin train, hay ride to the pumpkin patch and an awesome Corn Maze. The temperatures were in the low 60's, the sun was shining and the trees were a blaze in yellow, red, and yellow. The tasty homemade pumkin donuts were warm and liightly iced-just the way a Michigan donut should taste. The bumpy Hayride in a wagon filled with straw driving down 2 track paths reminded me of my grandparents farm. However going to the field at Grandpa's ment-well work. This hayride end in fields and fields of pumpkins in every size and color. I ended up buying more pumpkins than I possibly needed- but come on..who knew there were blue pumpkins, white, pumpkins, and bumpy pumkins? Next up the giant corn Maze.
After 45 minutes in the Corn Maze we found all but 3 clues and my legs would not walk another second-and as luck would have it the ride back to the main house was right there. Timmy declared it a perfect day. I softly sighed and realized sometimes being a mother is well-just the best. I am not sure his eyes ever looked any bluer and I am not sure if he had ever smiled any brighter?
I do know that the best memories are built on days like these-where we take time and spend it together as a family. Along with the photo's I took I have a mind full of precious moments. I won't soon forget the joy of seeing my son cast colored leaves into the air and watch his eyes follow them, as they drift to the ground. I have to smile as I remember watching him carry the biggest pumpkin he could manage back to the farm wagon. I admired his determination and organization as he navigated that huge corn maze. What could be better than a day off from work and time spent with husband and child enjoying a fun-filled fall day! For a while, elections, the stock market, learning goals, homework and bills-were all meaningless. The day was indeed-perfect!
In case you want to visit Post farm too- Here is the website http://www.postfamilyfarm.com/maze/index.html
Jamie-We miss you! Remember autumn in Michigan:) Daddy will see you in Cally soon!
Good for you guys. What a wonderful way to play hooky on a cool, Fall day in the most beautiful place on earth.
We're headed to the "pumpkin patch" at The Desert Botanical Garden next Saturday. The forecast is sunny and 88! Blah.
My mom flies in on Thursday and will be here for 10 days; for my birthday and, more importantly, to Trick or Treat with Miss Katie. I can't wait to see her!!
Enjoy your pumpkin carving. Love and miss you guys.
I wondered how they did opumpkins down there!
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