During the night the burning sensations repeated and my armed itched. I figured I slept on it the wrong way.
So of to work I went. By the end of Friday every joint in my body hurt! I mean really hurt. I got home and there on my arm was what at first appeared to be a small round bruise. However it had two holes in the middle. Now I knew I had been bite-but by what?
By Saturday morning I was in real pain and off to the doctor I went. It was indeed a spider bite and I was having a nasty reaction to it. So home I went with antibiotics and pain medications. I had a horrible weekend-pain discomfort and pills bigger than the wound area. However no happy ending yet! By Tuesday my arm and hand has a huge ugly rash. The spider poison reacted badly with the antibiotics and now I allergic to both the spider and the antibiotics!
So plan B is Steriods and Claritan... apparently I am supposed to feel lucky that I caught the bite in time. Now just think of how tiny that spider was and what a small amount of poison was injected! Yet that little bug has made my life miserable. So...
Arizonia has Coyotes
Florida Alligators
and Michigan the Brown Recluse Spider!
Somehow the song the Eensy Weensy Spider is no longer cute. At least Tim found the darn thing and killed it dead.
So I have another 10 days before I can get back to normal.
1 comment:
oh my gosh, Kelley!! Before I quit work I had a medical malpractice case for failure to diagnose a brown recluse spider bite!!! They are disgusting creatures with a nasty venom. At one point, I had done so much research on the dang thing, I could have sworn they were crawling on my at night. Gag!
How did Tim find him to kill him? They particularly love hiding in leaves, attics, etc., away from humans, but the beach towel was probably acceptable shelter. Holy cow. Keep up the the steroids and other course of treatment. They can take a long time to heal.
Praying for you and your bad bite.
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