My mom loves to bake cookies and my dad and I love to eat them. Mom dumps flours eggs and oil into a bowl and we all get to stir. We roll up little balls of the dough and put them on a giant sheet . The sheet is put in the oven and the cookies bake. You can smell them from all over the house even in the basement!
The best time to eat cookies is right after they come out of the oven-they are hot and tasty!. The extra cookies get put in the cookie jar. You can eat them later with a big glass of milk. I like to dunk my cookies in the milk. My mom thinks that is gross but my dad dies it too.
During Christmas time my mom bakes lots of cookies. We have chocolate cookies, sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies and even brownies. One of the best parts of Christmas is all the cookies! My favorite cookie is Chocolate chip =that is a really popular one.
You did a great job writing this story. I am proud of you. Your Mom does make really good cookies!
Aunt Klio
Timmy, I cast my vote for the gingerbread man. I'll bring you one when Miss Katie and I come to visit in January.
Lisa Hudson (Katie's Mom)
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