Friday, June 29, 2007

How Does Your Garden Grow?

What does a women born with a green thumb do when her husbands buys her a house surrounded by "Shade Creating" pine trees, soil covered in pine needles, roots that attack lawn mowers and deer that roam the neighborhood eyeing our plants as their personal Salad bar??? What to do...What to do?

After the first year here where I left behind my full sun home with 38 garden beds, a pond, waterfall and a rose garden, I experienced my first gardening challenge. How in the good Lord's name was I going to get anything to grow, and when and if I got someting to grow, how could I keep the 4 legged "Bambi's" from eatting it?

Rake, rinse, repeat....
Fertilize and fantasize....
Plant and Pray!
And don't spare the Liquid Fence.

This is my third summer and this is how I am doing so far!
Shhhh... don't tell....that big hole I am digging in the back is going to be a pond!!!!!!!!

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