Roll with the moment!
Here's to all those great memories
I can almost put an exclamation point at the end of this school year. 5 more days to go. It was a mixed bag to be sure. My summer job will be writing curriculum for Atomic Learning. I have 1 3 day inservice and another 2 day one. So there will still be some free time to enjoy the sun.
I loved the teaching and working with the kids. The amount of time the yearbook took was well-way too much. It is fun to look back at all the pod cast, movies and projects my kids created and getting publish in England was a thrill.
The difficult part- another year without a raise-and add to it a Superintendant who locked us out of the State of Schools Speech- wants us to work 12 hours more per week (on site to provide free child care) take a 180 dollar a month pay cut and contribute more to our insirance. And we are already the lowest paid in Kent County. Worse than that -the articles in the paper calling teachers names. It was to be blunt- hurtful!
I know we are an urban school district-I know we will not ever make what the "Burbs" do even though we have larger more challanging classes. But the lack of disrespect and insults are heart wrenching. No one can know the dedication of the urban teacher unless they have been one. We pay for hats and coats and mittens for their students. We buy the crayons, markers, paste, paper and glue they need for projects. Often our lunch becomes a child's who does not have one. We are the only profession where we not only have to provide our own tools but tools for all of our students as well-and we know there will be no end of the year gifts or even a thank you-BUT INSULTS. We have been compared to autoworkers and mechanics. Apparently being the lowest paid already meand we should make even less. Meanwhile the administration all got a 3% raise and the Superintendant is the highest paid in the county. He and his partner are coming to build a house in Sagituck.
So for now I am taking the advice I left my 8th graders in a song-I am going to roll with the moments