Friday, May 23, 2008

Memorial Day

This weekend we take time to remember those that have gone before us. On my mothers side the Maycrofts, Mannings and Dunnings. On my Fathers side the Haley's and the Hallorans. They came to this country, settled here and yet longed for England and Ireland. It is fitting to remember that my family is descended from Kent, England and County Clare Ireland. We are the 4th generation here in this new land...

t is my fondest dream to someday walk on the soil of my great great grandparents and vist England and Ireland. My Grandmother talked about how her grandfather would long for the green of Ireland, and my Grandfather said he felt the most at home when he was near the water. So even though they came here, stayed, and raised a family part of them remained in the old country. They brought with them expression like "going on holiday" instead of saying we're going on vacation. I think they also taught us the old world values we still work so hard to pass on to our children and students.

Etta Mary Maycroft Manning & John Thomas Manning

and Fredrick Thomas Manning
George Henry Dunnong and son's. Our line came from Will's Dunning My great Grandpa. George Henry Dunning was a Captain in the Civil War.

So this memoriable day I remember these relatives that came before me that I never knew-but who shaped my life.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick boom...

Can you hear the clock ticking...can you feel the school year winding down?? Today if you visited where I work you would have thought that it WAS the last day of school. Middle school temperments being what they are-unpredictable at best-disrespectful at their worse- It was---quite a day. One of those days when I question why I choose teaching for 50,000 over being a lawyer. I remember well that turning point when my college advisor said-"You simply must choose...The Law and all it offers or tiny feet ,tiny toes and wearing last years clothes". I admit I was unhappy with how he seemed to view teaching-especially since he WAS a college Prof- Being my optimist self-I of course saw teaching as the noblest of professions. His statement drove me right into the arms of the education department. There I was nutured and told talent belonged with the children blah blah blah....

Now for the most part I LOVE my job-low pay and all. BUT did I mention that although I may indeed view the profession as honorable-that is NOT the view shared by my students. Comments from today, " Mrs. D. you are pretty smart...what happened that you ended up teaching? Did you get into trouble or something? This is not to mention that as my 8th graders are about to leave not at all ....about anything anyone thinks. In my overly optimist self I decided inside of them researching a report on a historical event I would have the kids work in groups and construct a model set, create clay figures out of clay, and produce a stop motion movie. Something I thought would would be...wait for!!!! Oh no--I am expecting too much. with 5 days to work on their sets they look like they were thrown together-which is exactly what they were. Because I was told--computer is not like a "REAL" class. I replied that since it was NOt real then there parents wouldn't mind a the Unreal F they would get on the project. I tried to explain thatg in any job you have-you have to do the projects assigned to you whether you find them delightful or not. Huffs-rolling eyes--This was not the day I love my job. A little respect here???? Gee do you think they will take a 48 year old back in college to try the Law???

So here I will leave you with a view of these last days

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Remembering My Mother

My mother was born in 1923 and lived through the great depression and WWII. She lost her first love on the Arizona when it was bombed on December 7th 1941, and married his best friend. Later when she discovered he had cheated on her, her heart was broken once again. She married my father after that because he had two children and she longed to be a mother. After just 2 short years of marriage I arrived on the scene-much to my father's dismay and displeasure.

My mother managed to keep the home fires burning while Dad made the money. We lived well but dreaded his times at home and as my mother's health declined my father was less than supportive. My mother bore much in her short 67 years on this earth.Jamie and Kaylee were great joy to her and I wish she could have known my Timmy. It was not until after my mother died that I really got to know her as a person. I spent many hours reading her love letters and realizing how destiny changed her life. I remember her husband coming back one day whenI was in Kindergarten and him proclaiming he would always love her and my mother refsuing to leave a new husband and take me because it would mean leaving my 1/2 brother and sister. She alkways had a sense of style, and of grace. She lived by her principles and I still miss her advice. There is no one that loves quite as much as your mother. There is no one who knows you better.

This mother's day I remember my mother who lived through much, sacraficed in all, and now looks over my family from above. I remember how once a year I got to play hooky from school and the two of us would get to do something special. I remember how she shared her love of books with me and encouraged me to go to college. She was Irish and English and above all she was a mother.